Chapter Eighteen

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Caroline's frustration was overwhelming. She was finding it hard to concentrate on the tomatoes she was slicing. She'd been praying for days but hadn't gotten any tangible response from God. She was at a crossroad in her life and one thing she feared was having to make a decision only to have regrets later. Isaac Luke's offer was too good to be true. These kinds of offers were best handled with caution. She strongly believed the saying 'Nothing good comes easy.' Hadn't this offer come easy? But her years of designing had cost her time and energy and even she, herself couldn't deny the fact that her designs were good. She remembered the verse they'd studied from Proverbs just this morning during devotion. 'Seest thou a man skillful in his work, he shall stand before kings. He shall not stand before mean men.' This passage reminded her of her prayer time two nights ago, her mind had been filled with thoughts of a verse she'd read weeks before. 'A man's gift makes room for him.' These thoughts were so strong she was almost convinced that it was God speaking to her. The only reason she doubted was the fact that the devil also used scriptures to deceive people. Hadn't he tried to tempt Jesus with scripture? Maybe he was trying to tempt her to betray her boss. After all, God would not tell her to do that.

"Is something bothering you?" Aunt Emni was slicing carrots for the meal they were about to prepare.

"I'm just so confused. I don't know what to do concerning this job offer and the fact that I'm having a difficult time hearing from God frustrates me. I don't want to make any decision that I'll regret later."

Aunt Emni smiled. "I'm happy you're not jumping into making any decisions, that's very commendable. But there's something you need to know, and I believe knowing this will help in your decision-making process."

"What's that?" She was eager to hear it.

"Do you know that there's a specific reason you're on earth? There's a reason why God created you and placed you here."

"Yes. To worship him." Caroline had been thought this in Sunday school. But, what did that have to do with her situation?

"Yes, but that's general. God created all men for his pleasure, but he also created each man for specific things. Remember what He said to Jeremiah, 'Before you were formed in your mother's womb, I knew you and ordained you as a prophet to the nations'"

"Yes. He did."

"That was Jeremiah's specific purpose. Remember when Jesus read 'Lo, I come in the volume of the book as it is written concerning me, to do Thy will'."

"Yes, I remember."

"That thing Jesus was referring to which was written concerning him was his purpose. Everyone has something written concerning him. You have something written concerning you, Caroline. There's a specific reason you were created. And his purposes are always great. Greater than our dreams and ambitions."

This made a lot of sense.

"If you want to know your purpose, God had placed a lot of pointers in you like your gifts and talents, your likes and dislikes, the things that hurt you or give you joy, all these point you to your purpose."

"Wow, I didn't know this."

"Now, Caroline, I need you to be very honest with yourself. Between Fashion designing and making faces up, which do you love more? Which one comes more naturally to you?"

Caroline didn't need to think twice.

"Fashion designing." She'd pick fashion designing at any time over making faces up. She'd started designing clothes right from when she was a kid without being taught, but she'd started making faces up when she was a teenager and she hadn't even been able to draw an eyebrow without watching tutorial videos. Fashion designing came naturally to her but making faces up didn't. She'd pick fashion designing a hundred times over making faces up.

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