Chapter 2: The Beautiful Man Under a Starry Night

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(Third Person Point of View)

"...Kou-chan, where the fuck are we?"

If there are days that Oikawa regrets is that he lets Bokuto lead the way. He has already made several mental notes not to trust Bokuto's sense of navigation, especially since Kuroo is not around.

"You don't have to piss your tail, Oikawa! I know where we are! See, with that lighthouse, the most beautiful boats come here."

Oikawa blinks. He could see the lighthouse from afar off.

"I'll start singing until we see a boat."


Bokuto and Oikawa both sat in a rock, side to side, near the said lighthouse. Bokuto started to close his eyes, and Oikawa basked in the luminescence of the moonlight.

Bokuto's notes came dancing into the air. It was indeed a starry night, the moon reflecting on the horizon so bright, and with Bokuto's voice, it was like an enchanted fantasy.

"I am a lost boy from neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we'd play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook

Run, run, lost boy
They say to me
Away from all of reality
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free."

Oikawa cut Bokuto's singing when he pushed him into the water. "KOU-CHAN LOOK THERE'S A FANCY BOAT."

Oikawa pointed to a medium-sized but well-decorated ship nearing the lighthouse.

Bokuto looked at him incredulously.
"Jeez, man. No need to push me off. But heh, I told you all those good-looking boats come here."

Oikawa and Bokuto both swam into the direction of the boat. Oikawa was giggling and Bokuto was snorting.

"Maybe we can even meet beautiful people inside that beautiful boat."

"Oikawa, you're such a hoe."

"You're saying that because you already have your eyes on Tet-chan."

"If you will shut the fuck up."

Bokuto sighs. He might have to bring a couple of seaweeds to tie Oikawa's mouth for when they go back to the reef. Oikawa would honestly never let Bokuto live this down.

Bokuto thinks. 'Why the fuck does he know anyway? Was I obvious? Or Kuroo is just plain dumb? Or maybe Kuroo knows but he just doesn't want to bring it up? Argh! I'm overthinking. Stupid Oikawa!'

Bokuto decides to push the thoughts away by singing. They were getting closer to the boat.

"I met a girl with a porcelain name
She's easy to talk but hard to explain
What do I do when I'm falling for you?
The girl with a porcelain name
Loves a boy with a cardboard face."

They were inches away from the deck of the boat when a man with a light pink hair suddenly makes his way through.

"Mattsun, those sirens are singing again."

Bokuto suppresses a laugh.
"Who the actual fuck has pink for hair?"

Oikawa's lips form a straight line.
"That's not valid to be coming from you."

"Huh?" Bokuto involuntarily runs his hand through his hair even though Oikawa did not say anything.

Another voice was heard from the boat.
"Ignore them. No matter what, ignore them."

"Aw, but Iwaizumi, they really had a nice voice. It was so pretty."

"Hanamaki, you'll die. Matsukawa, are we near our destination, yet?"

"Tossing that aside, Makki is right, Iwaizumi. Whoever is singing has a really nice voice. I think I'm going to fall in love~"

"Matsukawa, I'm going to toss you off the boat."

Bokuto frowns. "Ew. I'm good. No thanks, I'll pass."


"You're shit, you know that? Oh shit---"

Bokuto looks up just in time to see three faces eyeing them.

"Mattsun, look. That siren has owl hair."

"Nevermind that, Makki. Look at the other one. He's beautiful."

"..... Hanamaki, Matsukawa, I am seriously going to push you two off the boat."

"Jeez, Iwaizumi. Why do you have to be so stingy."

The pink-haired guy waves at them.
"Hello! I'm Takahiro Hanamaki."

The guy with tired eyes waves too.
"I am Issei Matsukawa. Whoever was singing, can you please sing again? It was really soothing."

Bokuto and Oikawa blinks, and waited for the third guy to introduce himself, but he didn't.

'He really has nice arms. He's beautiful, too. Isn't he a Greek god that came here on Earth?' Oikawa thoughts, drooling on the third guy.

"What's wrong?" Hanamaki asks.

Matsukawa laughs. "I think they're waiting for Iwaizumi to introduce himself."

"Why would I do that?!"

"Go on, Iwaizumi. Introduce yourself now."
Hanamaki sounded like a mom who just dropped his kid to kindergarten.


Oikawa suddenly shouts.

Bokuto let out a hideous laugh before pushing Oikawa back underwater.

"Aw," Hanamaki pouts. "You scared them off, Iwaizumi."

Iwaizumi raises a brow. "Fucking lay off me, will you?"

Bokuto was laughing, choking, even.
"That was so bad, Oikawa."

Oikawa covered his face. "Sh-Shut up! He was really beautiful, Kou-chan! Didn't you see him? Those arms!"

Bokuto already pulls Oikawa's arms.
"Yeah, I did. And we need to go back to the reef because Sugawara will hunt us down soon."

The swim back to the reef was uneventful because Oikawa kept saying 'Iwa-chan' this, 'Iwa-chan', that. Bokuto was certainly sure his ears would explode.

Sugawara already had his hands crossed.
"Where the hell have you been?"

"Mr. Refreshing!" Oikawa's eyes beamed.
"I just saw a beautiful man under a starry night!"

Sugawara frowns. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Kou-chan!" Oikawa turns back to Bokuto.
"Is this what you felt like when you first met Tet--hshdbdjbd."

Bokuto had choked him. Hard.
"Say the name, and I will literally feed you to UshiWaka."

Oikawa stuck out a tongue and winked at Kuroo, which made Bokuto throw sea corals on his direction.

"Why do I feel like I'm involved...?"
Kuroo questions no one in particular as Bokuto continued to chase Oikawa with sea corals.

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