Chapter 34 - The Steelslayer

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Jacob knew who the second figure was, and he was certainly hoping that he could repeat the past. In the meantime, Jacob turned to explain things to Hugh, and sent a message to Mal warning her to not use her powers on the younger looking one. He waved to the captain, trying to get his attention before he engaged his foe again. The captain turned to him seeing the chromium rimmed disc in the air.

"Captain, you can't defeat him, not if you've been fighting him already. Let others take this one Captain," Jacob told him.

"What do you mean?" Hugh asked, "I can handle him."

"That's very brave of you Captain, but he only has one weakness," Jacob responded, knowing the quote would strike a chord. "Now you may be brave, but this is the time to be fearless." Hugh nodded, slowly, looking at the sword Jacob carried. Suddenly, the two epic's fight found its way closer to him. This time he called out to Steelheart.

"Lord Steelheart! Are you a coward that you might fail to face me? Leave this imposter and fight me!" Jacob shouted at him, trying to draw him closer. The man landed a blow on his opponent and landed.

"Insolent whelp! I will kill you with your own blade!" he roared, evidently having an aversion to being called a coward. He marched forward, and Jacob stood, blade outstretched, unwavering. Steelheart hesitated at his lack of a reaction, then smirked. "You do not fear death. Interesting..."

"Yes I do not fear death, nor do I fear you, Steelheart, for you are powerless," Jacob responded, then he lunged with his blade. Steelheart stopped Excalibur with his hand, casually flicking it aside, and a look of fear shot across Jacob's face. Before the evil grin could spread across his face, he was slammed across the makeshift courtyard and into yet another building. "Thanks David," Jacob said casually. The other man looked down at him confused, but Jacob waved him off, saying, "I'll explain it later, don't worry about it." They readied themselves for the fight of their life, neither for the first time. Steelheart stood, and he shot through the air towards them, but then he was launched backwards by a beam of light. He stood from the beam that had come from nowhere. He reached up and felt his nose, pulling away his fingers. He looked at the figure who seemed to have struck him. Jacob had been expecting backup, and now it was here. The at the edge of the cleared area stood The Sentinel, Miss Direction, and Rhythm.


Cat wasn't sure who this new prodigy was, but based on the message Mal had forwarded, it sounded like he wasn't a prodigy at all. He stood from the shot that Adrian had fired, with only a nosebleed. He looked in horror at Adrian as he saw the blood on his fingers. He roared and flew through the air. He fired a blast of energy at Adrian, forcing him to leap away. The other man in a cape shot through the air and planted a punch on Steelheart's jaw, throwing him to the ground. He had seen the nose bleed, and who had fired the shot that caused it. Cat watched as this other man pummeled him, neither harming each other, but definitely pushing each other around. They drew nearer to Adrian, and fire swirled around his arms. He thrust his arms forward, and the two figured were consumed in fire. When the flames returned to Adrian and dimmed, one of the two figures looked untouched, floating slowly to the ground, a charred skeleton with a steel skull grasped in his hand.

Jacob ran out to clarify that the survivor was the double that had been helping, not hurting. Cat limped forward, forgetting that she was dressed as Rhythm. Her leg was still giving her trouble, but thanks to an artifact that Adrian had brought with him the tissue was fully repaired, if not a little sensitive. She turned after getting a look from Jacob, but found no escape behind her.

"You seem to be favoring one leg, vigilante," Hugh said, standing in her way. Cat had no response and no way around this. She knew that his power made him almost invulnerable. "Wanna tell me where your friend went? The Sentinel needs to be found. Maybe we could cut you a deal." Cat shook her head as she realized what Hugh was suggesting, and that gave her a solution to her problem. Shaking.

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