Chapter 43 - The Lost Ones

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Jacob wasn't certain where Richard and Calen could possibly be. He had woken up that morning to find Richard and Calen's mats empty, and the sun was just a little way into the sky. He sat up and went to eat, but still didn't see Richard or Calen. He had noted that both their weapons and gear were gone. When he brought up the point to Strider, he went out looking for them, noting a small scrape on the stone wall next to the door just outside.

"Someone who isn't used to wearing a sword was leaning right here. They let the sword scrape the stone, and the mark is still fresh. I suspect Calen was out here. They cut across the grass beside the road. See the two paths of slightly trampled grass."

Jacob had to admit, it was impressive to watch him. He walked down the street, and found small signs here and there along the path that the two had evidently left. Finally, they came to an alley that was quite dirty, save for the few jumbled footprints in the dirt.

"A new set of tracks appears right here. They encountered someone. The tracks first appear about a jumps length away from the wall, and this scuff here is the sign of someone who knows how to roll. I would have said that the person was an assailant, but they left without leaving any signs of a fight, the three of them leaving towards the gate," Aragorn said, staring at the tracks, "I believe your friends either have a new companion that they are leaving with, or they were two skilled fighters that were kidnapped by one person. The first seems more likely."

Jacob had noticed their general silence and timidness since they arrived in Middle-Earth, but he hadn't thought they would run away. They asked the guards at the gate, and they confirmed that they had seen the two wanderers leaving with a young woman in a black cloak. Jacob and Strider took the hour walk back up to the Redwin home, and found the others standing outside, waiting for them to return.

"Did you find them?" Mal asked as soon as she could speak with Jacob

"We didn't them, no," Mal's face fell a little before Jacob continued, "But we do know that they are okay and together. They even have a new party member. A young woman in a black cloak. I might have a guess as to who that would be."

"What? Who do you think it might be?" Mal asked, perplexed.

"Who do we know that has a habit of wearing dark cloaks and would easily join in a trip with those two, Mal?" Cat cut in, "It has to be Rose. That or someone else we know from this land, but nobody from this land would recognize them."

"Yep, Cat's right. It would have to be Rose, not to mention the only fact none of us have pointed out. What is the one common thing for those two?" Jacob continued.

"They're both wanderers," Cat answered, "and Rose is as well." Jacob glanced at her before remembering who he was speaking with. She was one of the few people that he considered smarter than himself. While his opinion of himself was fairly high, he knew that Cat actually seemed to love to actually learn, and her abilities for retention of detail were quite impressive. That was all without mentioning the fact that, that he knew of, she was still able to keep her wits about her when under pressure. He had never really gotten around to asking her if, like him, the pressure and adrenaline actually made focusing and performing even easier. Since he knew she wasn't one for being the center of attention, he guessed that it wasn't the case and she just worked around it. Sometimes he just needed to leave things as that, wonders. He snapped out of his dazed thoughts when he noted that Mal and Cat had started moving towards their room.

"Well, get ready to go!" Mal looked at him as he realized what was going on. Jacob turned to Drinian with a questioning look.

"No, I won't be going with you, young traveler. I need to stay here," he told Jacob to answer the look. His hand subconsciously slipped to his lower torso where Vince had put a dagger in him. He had died, but now he had a second chance. Jacob understood if he was going to spend it with the people he loved most. He turned away to grab his bow and arrow along with his sword. He slipped out the door and waited only for a few moments before Cat and Mal were standing beside him. Together, the three travelers walked through Minas Tirith, came to the gate, and stepped out on what seemed like it would finally be their last adventure.

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