Ch 1: Moving In

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a/n: Hello, am new to this fandom. I'll be honest with ya, this story would have never happened if I hadn't read Colors from marksepticeye. Her story made me absolutely fall in love with Sal's character (though I'm still a pretty avid SalxLarry shipper) and got my brain working. So this is for you!

There were a few houses around Addison Apartments, spread out in little pocket neighborhoods.  Amongst the group, their friend Ash lived in one such neighborhood for example.  Since Nockfell was such a small town almost everyone knew everyone, so when Ash had excitedly told her friends of new neighbors moving in nextdoor to her, they were instantly interested.  Most of them.

"My dad met the guy who's renting the place.  His name's Jack and apparently he's moving in with his little sister."

"Sounds dope dude."

She frowned at Larry's lack of enthusiasm to her news.  He was too busy trying to beat a difficult level of whatever game he was playing, but at least Sal and Todd were listening to her intently.

"I've seen lots of older people move here with their kids, but not a sibling duo.  Know any reason why they moved here in particular?"

Ash shrugged her shoulders at Todd's question.  She didn't really ask her dad why they moved in, she was just excited to hear that someone new was moving nextdoor.  Sure, Ash loved her friends like they were her own brothers, but sometimes she did crave a female friend to have girl talks with.  She just hoped they were around the same age.

"If she's hot I call dibs though!"

Larry was met with a pillow to his face which he only laughed off.  Sal laughed at the scene and Todd rolled his eyes, though he did have a smile on his face as he told them how childish they were being.

Although he was curious about the newcomers to their small town, Sal was a bit hesitant meeting anyone new on account of his...appearance.  He was comfortable now that some time had passed since he himself moved to Nockfell with his dad, so most of the townspeople had already seen his face...well his mask.  New people were frightening to him since he knew how they'd react to seeing him.  Ash saw the look of uncertainty in Sal's eyes and gently ruffled his hair.

"I know what you're thinking Sally Face, but I have a feeling things will work out okay?  They move in next week, I'll get to know them first and then I'll introduce you guys alright?"

Larry shot out the peace sign and Todd nodded with a smile on his face.  Sal smiled at his friend, a warm feeling washing over him as he watched her.  He had always had a small crush on Ash since the first time they met, and hearing her reassurance made him feel better.

"Alright, if you say so Ash."

"But if she's hot I still got dibs."

"Fuck off Larry!"

— Moving Day —

Getting the last of the boxes out of the moving van, Jack made his way inside the house where his sister was putting away their kitchen appliances.  They didn't have a lot of stuff  to begin with so unpacking should take around a few days to complete.  That would mean just a few days without having to hunt at least, which should give them some rest.

"After we unpack the kitchen, you can go unpack your room my—...(Y/N).  Right.  Gotta get in the habit of using that name more."

The girl in front of him just nodded before continuing to arrange their cutlery.  She was a fast mover and very dextrous with her hands so she had the kitchen done in almost an hour's time.  As they moved around deconstructing boxes, something made both of their heads whip towards the front door.  At that moment, the doorbell rang.

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