Ch 5: Friend Date

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a/n: Let's all just casually ignore the fact that they're wearing warmer clothing in August okay?

Also, I actually go on vacation this week out of the country but I'll try to update every Wednesday still.  I should be back home in like 3 weeks.

— That Weekend —

"Woah there Sally Face, any reason why you're struggling to get dressed today?"

Sal squinted his eyes at his best friend who had just oh-so-casually barged into his room with Todd in tow. He was expecting both guys to come over to his place, but he didn't expect them so soon. His dad must have let them in.

All three of them agreed to meet up with Ash and (Y/N) at the restaurant that afternoon since his dad had volunteered to drive them all there...but that still didn't mean that they could just walk in without knocking.

When the two boys entered their blue haired friend's bedroom, they found him shirtless and seemingly having a hard time deciding between his usual black long sleeved shirt, and a nicer black long sleeved shirt. Larry may have slightly looked at him like he was some idiot.  And by may, he absolutely did.

"Sal they're literally the same shirts, just put one on."

"Actually I do believe that the one on your left is of better quality, being more cotton than polyester according to the tag."

Larry raised his arms in exasperation.

"Tooooodd they're just black shirts."

"In any case, is there any particular reason you're having a problem picking today Sally Face?"

Larry immediately turned to Todd with that wide, cocky grin on his face.  He opened his big mouth to try and imply that Sal was dressing up to impress a girl, but he was immediately tackled down by the still shirtless boy.

They struggled on the ground for a few moments, with Sal desperately trying to cover the taller boy's mouth.  Todd watched on, smartphone in hand trying to record the entire thing.  Ash had ingrained it into him before to record anything that seemed interesting happen between the two and he figured this fit the criteria.

In the middle of the intense and very questionable struggle between the two friends, Todd received a text message from the girl.

"Ashley was asking if we were ready yet."

"Uh, sort of. What'd you tell her?"

"Nothing.  I just sent her the video of you two fighting."

Sal got up really fast after that and flailed his arms in embarrassment at the red headed boy.  Larry was still on the floor, now laughing really hard and holding onto his sides.

"Todd I still don't have a shirt on!"

"Well I suppose this is incentive to put one on now isn't it?   Ashley said that she had already picked up (Y/N) and were headed to the place now."

There was a thoughtful look on his face, before his mouth opened in some sort of realization.  He looked at Sal again, who finally decided to wear the nicer shirt, his hands unconsciously fixing his appearance over and over again in front of the mirror.  Then he looked at Larry who still had that mischievous look on his face.

"Does Sal by chance have an interest in this (Y/N) that Ashley befriended?"



Sal glared at Larry, his ears reddening again to show his embarrassment.  Todd smiled warmly at his short friend.  It was nice to see that he was finally opening his heart up to someone like that.  He knew the magical effects that love had on one's mind, Neil was the one who taught him that after all.  Maybe this new person might open a new world for Sal as well. Perhaps this girl could even help him through all the struggles that he was going through emotionally now.

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