Ch 6: Still Hungry

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a/n: Ohohoho! The truth about you is finally revealed! Enjoy!

— Your P.O.V —

I said goodbye to Sal quickly and closed the door behind me.  I sighed deeply, setting my board down on a table near the entrance before heading straight to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he'd be there already waiting for me.  I knew that he would. And he wasn't going to be happy about how late I was.

Jack was leaning against the kitchen island reading some sort of report in a folder. There was a cup of coffee near him that I could tell he had just downed. I checked the time displayed on the oven and saw that it was a quarter till ten.

"Did you have fun today kiddo?"

I nodded blankly. I suppose I did, but being around such talkative people for so long was rather tiring. There was no time to be tired tonight, it was a necessary day.

A loud growl echoed across the room and I grit my teeth.

My stomach was killing me. I was starving. My fists clenched at my sides as I endured the the wave of pain that overcame my body.

Jack smirked at my pained expression as he leaned back on the counter.

"What's wrong (Y/N)? Didn't you eat at the restaurant?"

Teeth still clenched, I glared at him. He raised both his hands as if he was surrendering, but he still had that playful smirk on his face. In the state of hunger that I was in, I just wanted to smack that stupid look right off of his face. I've endured enough for today, with that group and with this hunger, so why was he so intent on angering me now? My body was at its limit.

He eventually stopped his teasing, his playful demeanor changing into a more serious one.

"Honestly, of all the things they could've invited you to, it was to eat at a restaurant. I thought teenagers nowadays usually hung out in movie theaters or in parks?"

I shrugged my shoulders. As if I would know how kids were like nowadays.

"And how'd the food taste?"

I shot him another glare. He should've known the answer to that already.

It tasted like nothing to me. Food stopped tasting like anything at all since I was a child. It was miserable yeah, but I've already grown used to it all.  I definitely wasn't going to be compliant with this hunger though.

We needed to get a move on with this fucking mission or I was going to lose my goddamn mind.

"Hmmm, I'm starting to sense some animosity from you. Alright, alright I'll quit messing around. Here."

He opened the folder he was looking at and tossed me a piece of paper. I quickly read the contents and smirked to myself.

"Beatrice Goodwin.  She's an elderly woman who lives alone. She's considered a grumpy old hag in her neighborhood so no one really checks up on her. They'll figure out what happened to her when she misses mass on tomorrow. Pretty easy one this time right?"

I nodded in agreement. This was definitely easier than the last one that's for sure.

"Well, better get ready for tonight then."

No reply came out of me as I turned to go upstairs to my room.

"Oh, and (Y/N)?"

I turned back around and swiftly caught something fast that was coming straight for my face. My hands gripped the handle of the knife as I pulled the tip away from my eye. A five millimeter distance was all there was and it would have gone straight in. I threw the knife back to Jack who caught it easily. There was a smile on his face but I could see the darkness swirling in his eyes.

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