05. Expectations

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"What?" I ask. I still think it's a crazy idea.

"You heard me. It's not like we can do this without some ground rules. We're going to be together for quite some time and I don't want you overstepping boundaries." He tries to fight back.

For him everything had to be clearly outlined, defined, and drawn out. Perhaps, it's him trying to have some control on a strange situation. This wasn't something he would let go easily. It's probably because he's a control freak or needs a cushion for personal space.

"You've talked about all of your expectations for weeks! I'm sure we can add rules as we go. Look, we both know that having physical proof of our unconventional marriage is more than enough to bury us both alive. It's not safe even to talk about it so freely, out in the open."

"You're being dramatic. It's just a piece of paper." He rolls his eyes, annoyed at me.

"Then let it go."

He's mad, I can tell by the way his face scrunches slightly between his eyebrows and that lip. Still, I'm not going to give in. It may be easy for him to say I'm dramatic when he's taking it too seriously. And I know marriage is a serious matter but I know we can't have a million rules that will make us look more of a political marriage than one of love. This is supposed to be our way out of problems not to adquiere more.

"I'm not signing anything, you can write it," I said before walking into the bedroom to get comfortable because I deserve to rest after hours putting up a smile of a man happily in love.

He should do the same and get smart about what's to come. A contract does appear to be the logical, easy, and convenient thing to do but it could be troublesome, if it gets in the hands of the wrong person. A contract could end up biting us in the ass later on. He really had nothing to lose except sponsors and contracts. Jungkook grew up in a rich family—a commodity that most don't have. Also, he was probably set for the rest of his life with his earnings he made as a model, actor, and more. If you add the family company, then there's nothing for him to worry. Meanwhile, I had just started to earn enough money to live comfortably with some luxuries, the money would only last me a while. It sounds selfish of me to think of my life after the scandal but there's no one else besides my family to think about.

A family which have attended the wedding and ones that are kept from the limelight. My family, they didn't deserve to have me as a child—I've failed them. This scandal would upset my mother more than anyone else, she raised me as a single mother in the best way she could. I remember the hunger and hard times we went through together when my biological father left us. It had been the care of my mother's now husband—my father, that got us through. He took us in even when he himself didn't have much to provide. It was then we all worked alongside each other to survive in our small hometown. There were hard times but with good memories.

Yet, I didn't want to go back to those times because it was horrible worrying about having enough to pay for utilities and other necessities. It was a debate of eating or having no electricity. There were days that I didn't eat or I had to limit myself, and most importantly I lost the one I cared for the most because I didn't have money to my name—Taehyung.

I hate money. I wonder if this world would be better without it. Even in the world of the rich and famous there's constant debate of who wore it first, who has the most lavish designs or gifts, who has the most new "it" things. You had to be the talk of the town. It was a completely different world to which I was accustomed to. The ones with less seem to struggle to maintain food on their plates and their utilities paid; where's the justice in that?

"Stop calling." I answer the phone call. "I told you that I wasn't going to risk my marriage."

"I know but I think he knows. He wants to send me abroad." He sounds desperate and my heart clenches because I still have feelings for him.

"There's no reason for him to suspect anything. You have to remain calm and stop making these calls, you're not helping your case. Please, don't call anymore because I won't respond."

"I love you, Jin-hyung. We've been in each other's lives for almost four years, you can't do that to me. Let's see each other, yeah?"

"No, I've got a husband to think about. I can't do that to him. My Jungkookie doesn't deserve that. Tae, I think, for the first time in a long time I feel love for someone who isn't you." It hurts me to say the last words but it was necessary. He had to stop coming to me. He had chosen a rich heir to marry. He should be the one who Tae should go to, when he needs someone by his side— not me.

"Jinnie? Hang up the phone I've got a surprise for you." The voice of my husband surprises me but even more is his sweet tone directed towards me and the caller.

"Hyung?" I hear Tae whisper on the phone.

"Who is it?" Jungkook asks but I can see he knows.

"No one important," I say before hanging up on Tae. He's no one important. He's not important anymore. He's not a part of my life anymore.

"No one important? Look at your face." I turn to see him. He shuts his mouth. "I came to ask where we're spending our honeymoon. That's the only thing you had to take care of."

He was going to poke fun at me for being pathetic. He held back. He's full of surprises today. I regain some self poise before responding. "It's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Jin, I need to know what to pack! Do I need a tuxedo, or my latest collection to wear. I need to know what I need to be presentable."

"None of that. Where we are going," I think of how to describe it. "There's no need to worry about the media. It's a humble place." A place where Jungkook will be brought back down to the real world again.

"Fine don't tell me!" He groans as he walks out of the room. I laugh before I'm reminded that I was cruel to Tae. I hope it's for the better. One day he might understand why I did what I did. Until then, I'm hoping he doesn't hate me.

June 10, 2019

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