06. A new world

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"Where are we?" Jungkook scrunches his face as he looks around where the taxi left us. There are no buildings, only fences, a dirt road, and nature. I'm surprised he was just beginning to question our surroundings. "We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"You said you wanted a nice and quiet place. And I knew this was the perfect place for you." I grin. This would be a drastic change from the city. "There's fresh air and you won't see many people around—no news reporters here. This small town is what you call the middle of nowhere but it's also my hometown. Let's go." I take my bag and walk in the direction we need to go.

"Wait!" He runs behind me to catch up. "Is there something weird here? Is there wild animals? Is that why the driver didn't want to take us farther down?" He looks around and I'm inclined to laugh.

"The only animals you'll find here are those that belong in a farm and you know squirrels and such. It's easy to get lost here if you don't know you're way around. Don't make up crazy stories in your head about this place. Let's go." I begin to walk again. I can hear him struggle with his luggage. At this pace will make it by sundown. "Need a hand?" I stop and look at his luggage.

"Here." He hands it to me. I take it even though I'm annoyed he didn't even thank me for the kind gesture. "My wardrobe doesn't seem appropriate for a place like this. It seems over the top. I don't have shoes for this either. You should've told me it was in the middle of nowhere and we're probably the only two people here. If you're planning to kill me, people will be looking for me. I'm loved by the public."

"I'm not going to kill you. You're my beloved husband and I'm your equally famous husband. And I'm the one with talent," I teased. He mutters something under his breath and I'm sure he's cursing at me.

"How much longer do we have to walk?"

"Not much if you walk at a normal pace. We're walking up to the intersection. My parents will pick us up there. It's only a ten minute walk but might be longer at the pace you're walking." I look behind me to see him drag his feet. "Tired, already?"

"It was a long flight—I don't know why I'm explaining myself. Wait!" He runs to catch up, as soon, as I start walking again. "You're walking too fast," he complains. "These shoes aren't helping."

"I told you that you didn't need dressy clothes or shoes but you didn't listen to me. You don't wear anything comfy, not even at home. What am I supposed to do with you? I can't carry you. I've got a lot already in my hands." I try to make up for lost time by speed walking. We were already a few minutes behind from the time I said we'd meet my family.

Jungkook didn't say more but he did try to keep up despite the uneven ground. It was difficult even for me who had easily walked this path years ago. I can't imagine this city boy having an easier time than me.

"Did you tell your parents about our deal?" He asks.

"No, and they don't need to know. I told you that I wasn't going to tell them. You agreed to keep appearances with them. They're my everything and I don't want to disappoint them." I slow down my pace to breathe properly. "I'm sure they'll ask you thousands of questions about me, your family, your life and I'm not asking you to be honest but I want you to try to be kind with them."

"I'm nice," he pauses. "You haven't gotten to see me like that because you always bring out my mean side." There's some truth behind that because it was the same for me.

"I guess, we bring out the worst in each other. That's them." I say as I spot my parents' truck. I pull Jungkook to the edge of the road as we wait for them to stop.

"There you two are!" My father smiles and steps out of the car once he's parked the truck. He hugs me and then my husband who still looks uncomfortable by such gestures. He helps me throw the luggage in the car. I can imagine that Jungkook didn't like his designer luggage thrown around like that but I didn't care.

"Where's mom? I ask.

I help Jungkook step inside the truck and then get in myself. My father tells me she's at home cooking up a storm. There's small talk in the car. Jungkook manages to avoid being questioned by being on his phone. I can't tell him anything because it would give indication of "trouble in paradise". I just hope he's in a better mood once he's rested.

"Wake up, Jungkook. Wake up." I shake him which makes him react. He looks so cute trying to keep his eyes open. This man can actually look like a cute little puppy. "Dinner is ready. You have to get up and eat."

"What time is it?" He pouts.

"Dinner time. Get up before my parents come in and see if you're okay. And this time be nice to them." I slap his back. That manages to get him to sit up and angry. His angry face does not have the same effect as to when he's fully dressed and made up. I want to laugh because he manages to look like a kid who didn't get his way. He still surprises me.

"Are you going to stand there or are you going to take advantage of your husbandly rights?"

"What? No! The bathroom is..." I was about to say where when I decided to have fun. "It's having a shower head installed and you'll have to wash up the old fashioned way. There's a place outside where you can wash up." It was an old house but we had fixed it up to have a running shower years ago. Father never changed anything else because it gave the house character. Therefore, he was most likely to believe the white lie.

"Are you serious? There's no running water? You've got to be kidding me. Can't we go to a hotel or something? I can't be like this, I can't live this way." He whines.

"Look around you. There's no place to go besides your in-laws home. Now, hurry up! Our parents are waiting, my love." I smirk and walk away before he yells at me again.

"Why is he out there trying to wash up?" My mother asks.

My father and I are looking out the balcony to see what this worldwide famous person does. My father is surprised that he willingly went outside. I had showed him the place and heated up some water for him. Jungkook was debating whether to wash up or run back home. It was funny.

"I thought it'd be fun for him. You know, have some different experiences. He wants to have a quiet, simple life." I try to say with a straight face which my mother doesn't buy.

"You're mean!" She slaps my arm and proceeds to watch like the rest of us. My mom is the first one to place a bet as to whether he would or not.

"How was your bath?" I ask. I'm trying to hold back any teasing.

"The water was cold! I hate it!" He whines as he tucks himself in our bed. "Worst of all I have to share this bed with you."

"There are worse things." I say as I turn my back towards him. Today had been a fun day thanks to him. He may not realize but he just made this stay here far more interesting than before.

July 25, 2019

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