Chapter 6

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You hear a knock on the door. You turn around and see the door opened and Shawn smiling. You gulp and he comes in.

"Hey.." you say.

"Hi.. shall we start?" He asks and you nod.

You put on Perfect by Ed Sheeran. You take his hand. You two start dancing slow. He is better at dancing but not good enough.

"Are you afraid of Amelia?" You ask and Shawn pulls away frowning.

"What are you talking about?" He asks and you chuckle.

"You're standing too far Shawn. You gotta Bring me closer." You say and he licks his lips gazing your lips then your eyes. He remembers..

"Do you always say this?" He asks as he brings you closer.

"When I need to." You say letting out a trembling breath.

"Did you need to.. a week ago..?" He asks and you shake your head.

"That was a mistake.. we're just friends." You say.

"We weren't that drunk. You say we're just friends but friends don't know the way you taste." He reasons and you nod.

"Are you blaming me?" You ask and he shakes his head.

"Maybe we both needed it." He says and you sigh.

"What about you and Amelia..?" You ask and he smiles.

"Is okay I mean we're not together yet.." he says and you nod.

"You like her don't you?" You ask and Shawn lets out a heartedly laugh.

"I think I'm in love with her Y/n."

*End of the flashback*

Brian gasps and sips from his beer.

"And then?" He asks and you shrug.

"Then he started asking me for advices. Like.. how should he dress, what jokes should he say, what kind of flowers-"

"Wait wait wait!" Brian cuts you off. "You helped him get with her??" He asks and you look down at your lap then nod. "Were you in love with him back then?" He asks but you don't answer and he gives you a sad look.

"Oh darling.." Brian says then hugs you.

"You don't have to say anymore." He says then pulls you onto his chest. You cuddle him and try to fall asleep.


"But why didn't you bring her?" You ask and he shrugs.

"She's out of town. And plus you helped me so much. I was thinking to make it up to you." He says and you nod then you two head to the stand with the teddy bears.

You gotta admit Toronto makes hella good Carnivals.

"I wanna try please.." Shawn says and the guy behind the stand gives him a gun for 5$. Shawn aims and shots all the ducks. You look in surprise.

"Oh damn dude!!" The guy cheers happily. "You've got your girlfriend the biggest teddy bear." The guy adds and gives you a white bear that's as big as you.

"Oh actually I'm not his gir-"

"Of course!" Shawn says cutting you off.

"Okay let me take picture." The guy says Shawn puts an arm around.

"Ey bring her closer." The dude says as he holds your phone ready to take the picture. Shawn looks at you and you nod in approval.

"You heard the guy Shawn.. Bring me closer." You say.


You two are on the ferris wheel when it stops.

"You can kiss your girlfriend now while having the best view ever." A guy says in a speaker.

"Ugh.. how much time do we have to stay up here?" You glancing around at the couples that are kissing.

"Time flies when you have fun." Shawn says and you frown the look at him, he waists no more and leans in to kiss you but stops before his lips touch yours.

"Shawn.." you say while looking at his eyes then at his lips.

"Spur of the moment." He says then kisses you.

You pull away and shake your head. The ferris wheel starts again. Once it stops and you're on the ground you start walking away.

"Y/n wait!" Shawn yells then comes to you.

"You can't do this Shawn!! When she's away use me!!" You say then he sighs.

"I'm sorry.. look-"

"Shawn save it! From now keep your lips to yourself if you want to be friends with me."

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