Chapter 1

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You start warming up in front of the mirror. You bend down and touch the tip of your toes with your fingers then stand back up, you repeat it 3 time then go on with the next exercise.

*Knock knock knock*

'The fuck?' You think then go to the door and open it. You raise your brows in surprise.

"What do you want?" You ask and he chuckles.

"Hello to you too n/n." He says and you roll your eyes.

"C'mon I know you.. what do you want Brian?" You ask and he sighs then you cross your arms over your chest.

"Do you remember when I had to pretend that I was dating you..?" He asks and you roll your eyes.

"I know I owe you something just tell me what the heck do you want." You say and he chuckles.

"You haven't changed a bit. I remember when we were young and your mom took us to-"

"I swear to God Brian tell me what the hell do you want or I'll punch you where the sun doesn't shine!" You say.

"Okay fine! Finee!!" He says raising his eyes in defense. "I want a lesson from you."

"A lesson? A dancing lesson? Why? Why would you want that? You're pretty good at dancing." You say confused.

"Not for me.." he mumbles and you groan.

"Which idiot doesn't know how to dance?" You ask and he smiles.

"Do you remember...Shawn Mendes?" Your friend asks and you sigh.

"How could I not? You talk about him 24/7. You made me listen his music too. I know him as much as you do and I didn't even meet him!" You say and he chuckles, he looks aside and nods. You see a tall guy appearing in front of you.

You study him a little. Handsome, tall, muscular, 1 million dollar smile, good singer, amazing eyes.

"Why do you want to learn how to dance?" You ask.

"Well I love learning new things." He says and you roll your eyes. You can't believe that Brian got you into this..

"First thing: Dancing is not a thing. Dancing is an art you do with your body." You say annoyed and already done with the singer. "Second thing you're a guy so.. What's the name of the girl you want to impress?" You ask unimpressed.

"...Amelia.." he says and you scoff.

"Sorry I don't do charity work for rich guys that only want to get it." You say and Brian clears his throat. Your eyes wonder from Shawn to your best friend who gives you a stern look.

"Y/n.. you owe me. Plus I'm your best friend!" He says and you groan.

"Brian you don't understand!! This is so frustrating.. You want me to learn someone how to dance but he only cares about this stupid girl!!" You say annoyed.

"Hey!" Shawn says offended.

"Y/n...for me..?" Brian says and you sigh opening the door wider and they enter.

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