Chapter 8

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"What?!!" He asks and pulls away to look at your face.

"I..I wanted to tell you that I'm moving there.." you say and he frowns.

" no no. You can't. I- why?" He asks.

"I've got a job as a dance teacher. Look I got this offer a few days after..after we went to the carnival. Shawn I was in love with you after..after our night together." You explain and he kisses your forehead.

"Well..I'm sorry I realized my feelings so late.. but now you have no reason to leave.. right?" He asks but you look down. "You're not actually leaving are you..?" He asks and you don't answer.

"'re confused. You just got out of a relationship and you're looking for a distraction." You state but he looks at you hurt.

"You really think that of me..? You really think that I would use you just to relive my pain?" He asks.

"I just think that you're confused. You don't know what you want and came to your quickest option." You say and he stands up.

"Well fuck you Y/n! I came here to tell you how I feel! But you know what.. i think that was just a waste of time. Have fun in New York." He says as he takes his clothes then leaves.


You're waiting with Brian in the line.

"You misjudged him Y/n.." Brian says and you sigh.

"Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that I'm not coming back Brian. He will be better off like this." You say and Brian shakes his head.

"You two love each other! Why are you so blind?" He asks annoyed.

"Brian.. if you're here just to lecture me, then I can wait by myself for the plane.." you say and he sighs.

"I'm just're making a mistake." He says and you nod.

"Only the time will say. Brian..I need to see him making an effort for us.. we're so distant right now I just..I need him to Bring me closer. And to show me that he is all in. I'm honestly loosing my patience."

"Flight 729 New York is ready to leave. Please, all the passengers to walk through the gate." You hear a woman saying through the intercom.

"I guess this is it." You say and Brian gives you a small smile.

"Take care of you kid." He says and you chuckle. You hug him then go to the plane. To a new life. A life without Shawn Mendes in it..

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