Goku and Gohan ran through the door and into the house. Chichi was in the kitchen.
"Chichi! Chiyu said her first word!"
Chichi ran up to them.
"What'd she say?"
"Say it again, Chiyu!"
"Daddy! Daddy!"
Goku pumped his fist in the air.
"Yes! She did it!"
"Let's see if she'll say Mommy."
Chichi bent down. "Chiyu, can you say 'Mommy'?"
Goku shifted her on his left side.
"Chiyu, say 'Mommy'."
"That went as expected!"
Chichi slumped. "I was hoping she'd say it."
Both parents lifted their heads toward Goshen.
"Yes! That's 2 to 1, Goku! Ha!"
Goku shrugged and shifted Chiyu.
"At least I know she's a Daddy's girl! Isn't that right, Babygirl?"
She squealed and laughed.
"That's what I thought. I'm going to give her a bath, and then Gohan, Goshen and I will take a bath. Is that okay, Chi?"
"Don't worry about Chiyu, she and I will take one later."
"Alright. Gohan, let's get ready."
Then he reached to Goshen.
"Let's get you ready, too, my little bean!"
Goku laughed. Who would've thought his next word would be 'yay'? Chiyu reached for Goku while trying to get free from Chichi's grasp.
"No, you have to stay with Mommy. Daddy has to take a bath."
She looked at Chichi, then to where Goku was, the back to Chichi. Uh-oh. She's seen that face before. She was going to throw a... a... tantrum. Now, take Goku's word for it, she hardly ever threw tantrums, but when someone keeps her from Daddy, she goes off and doesn't stop until he picks her up or is right at her feet. Well, in her case she's at his feet. Good thing Goku has good hearing. He was over there in a towel within 2 minutes. He lifted her into his arms and held her close.
"What's wrong, Babygirl?"
She cuddled into his chest and continued crying.
"Ooh, my baby. You're okay, my little sunshine."
After like, 10 minutes, she passed out. Goku made sure to tuck her in... Just in case she woke up. Then the three boys continued to make their way to the outside 'tub'. They all relaxed in the barrel. Until Chichi came running out with Chiyu in her arms and a worried look on her face.
"Goku, something's wrong!"
Goku sat up quickly with Goshen. "What is it?"
"Chiyu. She. I can't get her up."
Goku grabbed her and dunked under water for a split second and brought her back. He looked down to see her eyes wide and the air fill with laughter.
"Don't worry, Chi. She's a pretty hard sleeper after she throws her tantrums."
Chichi laughed.
"Well, you might as well get her in, too."
Goku laughed as all five talked; Chichi being the only one out of the barrel, or 'makeshift tub' as Gohan liked to call it. Speaking of Gohan, he was the one who took note of that.
"Yes, Gohan?"
"Why aren't you in the makeshift tub?"
Chichi's eyes widened as she quickly looked at Goku. Then she looked away because she knew he wouldn't know what to say, either.
"Well, Gohan. Umm. We-"
"What your Mommy's trying to say is that girls don't usually bathe with boys. Mommies and little boys can't take baths together unless the little boy is her son and he's a baby. You're not a baby, are you?"
Gohan shook his head violently.
"Exactly. Besides, Mommy's going to take a bath and Daddy's making dinner tonight! I need you to help me get dinner."
Chichi smiled and answered before thinking.
"Yep! Wait, what?"
Goku smiled and faced her.
"Yeah, Chi! You need some you-time. Every parent does. I've had my share, so you need yours, too!"
Chichi hugged him; despite the barrel being hot... Good thing Goku was tall!
"Well, we'll get out. We need to go get something. Does fish sound good to you for tonight?"
"Yes. I love when you make dinner. But one question. Why do you only cook fish when you make dinner? Not like I don't like it, I love your fish! But, I've just always wondered."
Goku thought for a minute.
"Well, that was Grandpa's favorite dish. We had it 4 out of 7 nights each and every week! Other nights, we'd have something like bird or squirrel. Guess it's just an instinct. Hey, we could get that, too!"
Chichi laughed.
"Well whatever makes you happy, Goku."
And with that, she walked off with Chiyu wrapped in the towel Goku gave her. Once she changed Chiyu, it hit her. There were three towels out there, and Goku gave her one... How would they all come in with towels? She went to the door, cracked it open, and watched to see how they'd work this out. Goku got Gohan out and handed him a towel. Once Gohan got his towel on, Goku wrapped Goshen in his shirt (Chichi was glad it was clean.), handed Goshen to Gohan, and then got out with a towel and wrapped it around him. Then took Goshen and they started their trip inside. Well, after Goku put the fire out and covered the barrel. Chichi stepped a few feet away from the door before she started to think.
'Wait, I sat there and waited for them to work it out when I just could've given him the towel... I mean, I had enough time to completely change Chiyu! Well, I know he'll work it out next time, I guess!'
Chichi looked down at Chiyu. Was she asleep? No, she was sucking on her pacifier and waiting for Goku. She could tell she was tired, but she refused to sleep in Chichi's arms.
'I guess Goku was right. She's a Daddy's Girl.'
She sighed a sad sigh and said to herself aloud.
"Well, at least we know Goshen's a Momma's Boy! Gohan's kinda in the middle though."
She started to rock Chiyu.
"I guess it's fair!"