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(888 words)
Your POV

I slammed open the front door to the Smith Residence as the thunder and lightening roared behind me. Slipping out of my shoes and hanging my jacket I stomped to the garage.

"Where is he? I swear when I get my hands on him I'll rip his balls out through his throat!"

Reaching my hand to the door knob someone grabbed my hand. I glared as I turned around to see Beth.


She let go of me slowly before she backed off a little. I hummed and opened the door before closing it behind me. It was dark in the room as I made my way over to the outline of none other than the Sanchez bastard himself.

Clicking the light on it buzzed a little with the new found electricity that was running through it. He turned around a little and sipped his flask before he went back to what he was doing.

"Care to explain why my flame sword is missing?"

"I borrowed it"

"And where is it now?"

He stopped as he turned around and looked at me in the dim lighting.

"I, uh. May have left it on Gazorpazorp"

"YOU WHAT? Rick that sword took me months to make, don't forget that I put almost a thousand Schmeckles into it"

He stood as he tried to calm me down. "Don't yell, you know I hate it when you do that"

"And I hate it when you take my stuff without asking me! I was on my way over here to rip your damn balls off"

He gulped slowly as he looked at me.

"Sweetie, please"

I rubbed my temples as I sighed deeply. "Don't you sweetie me" I said before I left the house. Leaving Rick standing there in thr dark.

Rick's POV

I sighed deeply before I ran a hand through my hair. How could I have been so stupid? I knew how much that sword meant to her. How much time she put into it, and I took it anyway.

God damnit! Now what do I do? Think Rick think. Sitting down I laid my head on the table as I heard the door slam shut.

I hate it when you take my stuff without asking

Standing I knew what I needed to do. Gathering the things I needed I glanced at the clock to see that it was getting late. Finding my damn screwdriver I got to work.

~Time Skip~

It had been a week since (y/n) came over to the house pissed enough to rip my balls off. She hadn't been over since I'm sure she was still rather pissed. Along with the fact there's exams next week and she was telling me about how she wants to be able to get into college.

Even though she knows my feelings on school, she still confides in me. I got into my space car and made my way over to her house. She only lived down the road but the drive was still nerve racking.

I pulled into her hard and noticed the downstairs light was on so her dad was still awake. Her father has expressed his opinion of me rather loudly, quite a few times. Even though his opinion is wrong and he's a piece of shit, which I can prove mathematically.

I grabbed my grappling hook from my pocket and hooked it on to the tall oak tree next to her window before I shimmied out onto the limb and tapped on her window. She turned enough to see me only to shake her head and stand up.

She opened the window and signed "What the hell do you want?" She whisper yelled.

I sat in a little before I looked at what I had. I held it out to her only for her to raise a brow and look at me. A look she got often enough. One that said 'You've got to be shitting me'.

She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Fine I'll bite. What is it?"

"Take the damn thing and open it"

Sighing deeply she took it from.my hand as j slipped into the window. She opened it and stopped as she looked at it.

"I should kick your ass"

I looked over "Why? Because I did something better than you?"

"My sword didn't have gold throughout the handle and was the regular orange color flame, yours is now (f/c). Now why did you make this?"

She wrapped the sword back up and put it under her bed. Same place she did for the last one.

I shrugged. "I don't know"

"You're a terrible liar. I bet you felt bad for losing my sword"

I sighed deeply as i watched her stand. "Nonetheless, I do appreciate it" she said as she straightened out my lab cost and looked st me. My eyes flickered between hers as we stood there. My throat suddenly being dry. She stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheek before she tilted her head.

"Now get lost, having a teenage boy in my room is one thing, but a 70 year old is another."

I watched her smirk as I shook my head, walking over to the window to leave.

"You're terrible."

"I learned from the best"

Tales of Rick Sanchez (Rick x reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now