Chapter 4: New Hobbies

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A few weeks later both sets of grandparents were hosting a bbq together for Madison's grandma Penelope Baylor's birthday. They arrived there at Baylor Estate early their grandparents met them on the porch "It's so good to see you all." Bill Ellie's dad said

"It's good to see you too." Ellie said as she kissed her dad's cheek. 

They all said their hellos with hugs and kisses then went inside. "We need little James and Madison in the kitchen please." Jolene Carter said 

They both followed each of their grandparents into Penelope's kitchen. They sat up at the bar top "Okay you two we wanted to talk to you all. Now that you know the rules of the family we are going to make sure that you two besides playing football and cheering. That we are going to sign you up for lessons for another hobby. Your parents did it we did it although we didn't have much to choose from in our day." James Barnes Sr said 

"Madison your mom Ellie did piano and tennis or Winnie did ballet and piano. " Norah Barnes said 

"I already took ballet and I didn't like it. So I guess just let me do what mom did. " she said in a low tone. 

"James Buchanan you have the choice of guitar lessons golf lessons archery tennis is an option as well. Your dad and Josh both did golf lessons and tennis." Norah said 

"Um golf and guitar lessons." he said 

"That way this gives you two something to do besides your sports. So you aren't at home alone we are all retired so we will be helping getting you two to your lessons. " Josh's dad said 

"We will also be paying for these lessons Joshua and James." Penelope said 

"Yes ma'am" Joshua said 

"Thank you" James said 

"Okay let's go eat the meat is almost done." Bill said 

They all headed outside as the rest of the family showed up for the bbq. They had music going that after dinner like always everyone can go out on the dance floor that is under the tent at the Baylor Estate. 

Which Madison normally loves to dance with Josh cause she's always been a daddy's girl. Josh finished a dance with Ellie he walked over to Madison "Come on baby let's dance." Josh said 

"No I don't want to dance with you daddy." she said and got up and walked away. 

Josh swallowed back tears his dad came over "Son what's wrong with Madison? Normally she's all over the dancing she's been awfully quiet tonight" his dad said

"She's mad at me. She feels like she's being treated unfairly because we did their sex talk together and she's upset cause I said no to a cellphone or a house key." Joshua said 

Ellie came over "Baby she'll come back around when she's not angry." Ellie said 

Penelope and Jolene Carter said "Let us talk to her." as they walked away went inside. 

They found her in the tv room Penelope took the remote and turned off the tv "We want to talk to you." Penelope said 

Jolene said "Why are you mad at your dad?'

"Because it's not fair. James gets a cellphone what if he leaves to go home with a friend after practice and they forget us like they did the other day. I have no way of getting a hold of anyone to come get me. That's not fair what am I suppose to do walk home. And what if I don't want to sit at the Barnes' house till they get home. I don't like James he gets on my nerves and they keep making us hang out and we don't get along we never have. I'm getting tired of everyone telling me how my life is suppose to be." she said 

"Madison that's enough. The being picked up is no longer going to be a issue because we are going to be the ones to pick you up from practice." Penelope said as Jolene left the room and came back with Bucky. "Because you two are also going to be doing another lesson together and that's you two are going to be taking ballroom together. Cause we have balls to attend and balls require ballroom dancing. You won't have to worry about being forgotten after cheer and football practice. Your afternoons will be busy besides Friday and Saturdays cause you have games. Sundays is when we attend church.' Penelope said 

Madison looked down then got up and walked out she found her mom "I want to go home I hate it here." she said then went to the car. Ellie sighed Josh looked at her and shook his head Jolene said "Let her pout don't give in." 

"Mom" Ellie said 

"No she wants to be a baby and a lot of that has to do with you two. You have always let her get away with stuff and now she's being told no and she's throwing a tantrum let her sulk." Penelope said 

By the time the party was over Madison was asleep with tear stains down her cheeks with her hand against the window of her car door. Josh seen her he looked down James came up behind him "You and I will get a drink okay.." he said 

They got back to their houses Josh went to carry her in but she woke up. "I can walk" she said and walked away. Bucky looked at his dad "Dad what's wrong with Madison she's normally not like this." 

"She's just a little hurt right now son it's okay. You go in and get ready for bed okay." he said as he walked over and got in Josh's truck. They went to their old bar they use to use fake IDs to get into. 

"What's going on with you?' James said 

"My daughter went from being the biggest daddy's girl James I was scared to death when the doctor said a girl and she came into this world looking every bit like Ellie who up until that point was my whole world you know that. But then I had this tiny princess and for the past 12 years she's been my world my daddy's girl and ever since two weeks ago James she has shut me out she won't talk to me and tonight hurt James she's always loved to dance with me. I know what it feels like to be in her shoes I know how it feels to have your whole life planned but I followed the rules cause I knew that I was going to need my trust fund." Joshua said as he spun his beer.

"I get it man. You think my son likes me here lately he's not liking that I have started to check his messages and facebook messages. We are on the other side of this now and yeah it doesn't feel to good right now. I use to have a good relationship with James and now it's going down the toilet but you know we both were told that we would be cut off that when the girls got pregnant in college that was a warning. We have gone from the party boys that use to use fake ids to get in this place to parents and getting in without a problem." James said 

Josh smirked and said "yeah." then they paid their tab and went home. 

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