Get to know me- akuorgbiasa

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Stress....haih.... main jap ah...

1. What is your favorite Netflix show?
Entah eh. How to train your dragon? The boss baby. Basically, I watch what my kids are watching 😑😑

2. Show us your songs tab on Spotify
Don't have spotify

3. What is the craziest thing you have done?
🤔🤔🤔🤔 sambung postgrad studies? Hahahahaha

4. Describe your first crush
12years old, babyface, rambut belah tengah 🤣🤣🤣

5. What theme parks have you been to?
Universal studio Japan, and most of theme parks in malaysia, except MAEPS, perak.

6. Who was your childhood best friend
Tak ingat nama..

7. What is your favorite genre of film and why?
Action. Crime. Animation.'s fun... hahaha.

8. What was your dream job as a kid?
Stewardess 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

9. What is your coffee order?
Caramel/Vanilla latte

10. What is your favorite thing to order on UberEats?
Tak pernah order

11. Have you moved from home, where to and how was the experience?
Yup. To boarding school when i was 13. Experience..hmm...2 bulan nangis dalam bilik air.🤭🤭🤭

12. Have you ever failed at anything and what did you learn?
Of course. I learn that, no matter how hard it is to finally succeed, just force urself to move fwd. InshaaAllah, lambat pun, akan sampai juga.

13. How many countries have you traveled to?

14. Who is your celebrity crush?
Nick Tse 😍😍😍

 Who is your celebrity crush?Nick Tse 😍😍😍

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15. Do you have any pets? Show them to us!

16. What are your pet peeves?
Bodoh sombong 😒😒😒

17. What do you do in your free time?
Wattpading 🤭

18. Do you have any weird quirks?

19. What is your favorite color?
Dulu suka purple, now i don't know. Natural kot.

20. Do you have any siblings?

21. Do you know your personality type? What is it?
To be honest, not really sure

 Do you know your personality type? What is it?To be honest, not really sureESFP or ESFJ

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22. Have you been to any concerts or Festivals? Which were the most memorable?
Concert, rasanya sekali je. Boyz to men. Itu pun sebab dapat tiket free. Hahaha

23. What are your favorite values in friends?

24. What is one thing you wished people knew about you?
Saya ni lemah lembut orangnya 🤭🤭🤭

25. What social media are you addicted to?

26. How do you get along with your family?
Very well alhamdulillah

27. What is the biggest struggle you overcame?
Siapkan MPP. 😝😝😝
Tak lah. Tipu. Biggest ek, currently struggling with one. Belum overcome.. huhuhu

28. Who is your role model?
Jawapan diplomatik, Rasulullah. Hahaha. Jawapan dekat di hati, my mama

29. You are going out with friends, describe your night!

30. What are you happiest with in your life?
Semuanya. Alhamdulillah...

"Dan (ingatlah juga), tatkala Tuhanmu memaklumkan; "Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangat pedih".

(Surah Ibrahim, Ayat 7)

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