part vii

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I'm back, and I feel waaay better :) also just a quick warning there IS (not too many-) homophobic slurs in this one, so if you aren't into that type of thing feel free to skip that part. I'll add an "!" When it's coming up <3

"You like me back... I can't believe you like me back!" Freddie exclaimed. He quickly covered his mouth when a couple of people around them awkwardly glanced their direction.

"I said maybe." Spat John.

"So maybe you love me. You don't love me, but you might love me. Is that what you're trying to say, dearest?" Freddie said, much quieter that time. Smugness radiated off of his nearly giddy voice.

"No, I do!" Deaky rushed, his eyes soon widened after realizing what he blurted, "well, shit."

"Shit indeed," Freddie whispered happily. John's mouth was shut. Trying to produce words was quite a struggle for him. Yet when he did utter sentences, it was at most nonsense.

"I don't love love you, I just, Well, love you. Not like a looove type of thing, but at the same time, a love thing. Yeah-" Before John could even attempt to finish his non-logical reasoning, the waitress saved his life.

"Are you two ready to order?" She asked, "oh, were you saying something? I'm sorry..." The waitress looked at John apologetically.

"N-nope, not at all! And uh... yeah, I suppose we're ready." John was fast to respond, he didn't want Freddie to catch him off guard like he has been doing,

"Well, What would that be?" She questioned.

"I'd like angel hair spaghetti, not with tomato sauce, but with pesto sauce instead... and I was wondering if basil was something you could add? Also, people tend to add pine nuts to pesto, which is not my favorite so if you could- can you remove that? Thanks. Oh, one more thing! Can I have a refill for my wine?" Freddie ordered. The waitress took a long note, then looked at John.

"What he said." The waitress once again took note and nodded.

"You're food will be with you in no time." Soon enough, she was gone to another table. Without a second thought, Freddie's smug smile returned as his attention centered around poor Deacy once again.

"So... do you love me?" This question somehow caught John off guard. John even contemplated saying nothing for the rest of the day, but that would eventually only lead to more chaos. Heart pounding, palms sweating, there was only one thing John could do. He took a deep breath and closed his fist tightly to release stress.

"Yes, I do." Saying this wasn't as scary as John thought it would be. Instead, it felt right. It felt almost natural, if not, perfect. John watched as Freddie slowly took his tense hand and stared up at him. John felt red flow up into his pale face, as he returned an unsure look back at Freddie, and for that moment they just stared.

Looking at each other was the only reassurance they needed. Everything surrounding the lovers faded, and the only thing that mattered was each other's eyes. John's anxiety disappeared, and Freddie's smugness dissolved into an even more meaningful love for the bassist.

"I-I could do this all day, but we really need to talk to each other about this." (Yes, a marvel reference :0 ) John sighed.

"What do you we have to talk about? Everything we need to say was said," Freddie frowned, "is everything alright? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine! I'm really happy if I'm honest with you. Just, being gay... I've never been gay before. Technically I've been gay my whole life, but I've always been with girls, I don't know how my parents will react. Or how everyone will! What if we get dirty looks, what if people will hate us?!"

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