part viii

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haha, what's a schedule? Okay but seriously this is a sad example of my procrastination:') sorry for taking foreverrrrr

"My god... is your nose okay?" Brian asked after Freddie explained what happened.

"I'm sure his nose is perfectly fine! Go comfort him!" Roger exclaimed before Freddie could speak.

"But I'm the injured one..." Freddie murmured.

"You don't seem to be in pain." Brian returned.

"Yeah, and I'm sure poor Deacy is scared!" Said Roger. Roger grabbed Freddie's arm and dragged him in front of his room. "Now go talk to him."

"I'll try."

"You'll do fine." Brian commented.

Freddie gently pushed the door open, and quietly closed it behind him.


There John was, writing furiously on a lined notebook, only stopping to erase a few times. John was lying on their bed, unfazed by Freddie entrance. Freddie sat on the bed and slowly ran his hand through John's hair. He tried to read what John wrote down, but John managed to shut the notebook before anything was seen. Freddie flinched at John's sudden movement. Whatever was written on that journal must've been important.

"Dearest, what was that?"

"Something for later," Deacy explained quietly.

"Later as in...?"

"Whatever, you'll see."

Silence crept into the room and Freddie started running his hand through John's hair once again, only to get a muffled response. John's face was buried under his own arms, hiding away from Freddie. It looked silly, but Freddie knew he had to take John seriously.

"John, I'd like to see your lovely face..."


"Why not?"


"Are you just being pouty now?"


Freddie thought for a moment, "if you don't show me your face, or at least say more than two words, I'll break your bass."

"My name is John Deacon, happy?" John remarked, his words muffled by his arms.

"Nope! I'm gonna snap your bass now." Freddie stood up and exited the room, making sure the door creaked as loudly as possible. Then he slowly stepped out and shut the door behind him. Brian and Roger looked at him, confused. Freddie smirked.

"Just wait a few seconds..." Freddie whispered to them.

Loud footsteps could be heard from the other room, and quickly the door was pushed open. John looked at Freddie angrily and grabbed his arm, pulling him back inside of the room, muttering something along the lines of:

"I swear to god Freddie you aren't allowed outside of this room ever again I don't trust you near my precious bass anymore you son of a-"

The door shut again.

"At least I can see your face again," Freddie muttered.

That shut John up. His face turned pink and he let go of Freddie's arm to sit back down on the bed. He looked down and sighed. Freddie sat next to him and grabbed his hand.

dearest - a deacury fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now