Episode Five: Erika

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"My idea so I go first." replied Erika as everyone else spreads out to give them room to battle.

"Before we start Brock do we have the healing supplies needed for this many battles?" asked Foxx

"If you don't we do." replied Jasmine just wanting them to get this battle over with so she can have her turn.

"Just needed to check. Now Erika how many pokemon are you going to use?" asked Foxx hoping she'd not require more then two.

"All battles will be three on three unless you need a full party, why?" asked Erika. Most trainers don't ask that.

"Just wondering I only have two and well I just finished a tournament that required the finalist to battle with full parties." explained Foxx.

"If you can beat us with just two then you're welcome to fight with two." replied Erika, "For my first pokemon I choose, Gloom."

She tosses out her gloom and Foxx just smiles before say, "Looks like I'll only need one. Joy let's show them what we're made of."

Joy then runs into the field and at which point Erika realizes she's up against a fire trainer with only grass pokemon but she doesn't give up yet.

The duo battled hard and in fact longer then most would've guessed with Fox's type advantage. He did only need to use Joy but she also took a big hit from Erika's pokemon.

"You did good kid, I was going to see if Misty Grumpy Pants wanted to go next but I think it's best to leave her to last." congratulated Erika and when they shook hands she gave him the Rianbow Badge.

He looked at it puzzled and to this she said, "I know you're not on the pokemon gym challenge and thus aren't seeking the gym badges but seeing as we're all gym leaders. Each one of us you beat will award you our gym's badge. You've earned it anyways."

To Be Continued...

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