Episode Tweleve: The Apprentice

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Over the next three months Foxx studies under Kurt and was even able to teach the old man a thing or two. They had even managed many great advancements in the study of pokeballs and where on the brink of creating a brand new pokeball.

Now if you're wondering what Brock and Misty have been up to, well it simple they found an abandoned building on the edge of town and set up a dual badge gym. Basically it's two gyms smashed into one building. This was meant as a temporary thing as they both already had their own gyms back in the Kanto region.

Now back to Foxx and Kurt. The duo where currently in the workshop looking over the final designs and blueprints for their new pokeball.

This new pokeball of theirs was all black with a gold x on it with the button being the golden with a diamond in the center of the x. As for its special features well it has the same catching strength as a great ball with the added comfort of the luxury ball.

As an additional feature they combined the components of the xp share in with the pokeball to allow the pokemon caught by it to earn xp faster. This would help change the game for young trainers across the world.

As Foxx put the last touches of paint on the new prototype pokeball he turned to Kurt and asked, "So Mr. Kurt what shall we call this new pokeball of ours?"

"I was thinking something along the lines of the X-Ball." replied Kurt with a smile, "You've really been the best apprentice I've ever had."

"I like that it really fits it." replied Foxx "and thanks sir. What's next?"

"Really the only thing I have left is to crack the secret of this." replied Kurt holding out a pokeball with a golden lid engraved with the letters G.S. just above the button and a silver bottom.

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