Episode Twenty-One: Now What?

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After a short stare down from Foxx Giovanni upheld his end of the deal and returned Meowleth and the rest of Jessie and James' pokemon before the group left though they did have to drag Officer Jenny out since she was destined to arrest every last Team Rocket member right then and there.

Now once they all returned to the hotel and were seated around Foxx's room no one said a thing. No one really knew what to say so Foxx stood getting ready to leave to return to the gym when James finally broke the silence.

"So what do we do now?" sighed James.

"Well Jenny has to get back to her job guarding the train, Brock and Misty really should return to their own gyms back in Kanto. As for me I'm returning to the gym me, Misty and Brock started. You're welcome to come with and help me run it until I figure out what my next move is." replied Foxx from the doorway.

"You sure that's a good idea Foxx?" asked Jenny "They may not be part of Team Rocket but that doesn't mean they're trust worthy."

"Officer Jenny I'm glade you're trying to look out for me but they're family and it's my place to make sure they're well taken care of." replied Foxx, "Who knows maybe I might even be able to get them a job helping Professor Oak at his lab."

"No offense but that defiantly would be a bad idea." confessed James, "All those pokemon we'd be way too tempted to fall back to our criminal ways."

"Then it's settled my parents will come with me and help at the gym while I remain there." replied Foxx with a smile.

"Hay Foxx while you're in town you should go visit Whitney at the Goldenrod Gym. I know you're not doing the whole pokemon league challenge but what better way to build you reputation then to add another badge to your already growing collection." replied Misty with a smile as she stood and stretched a bit before looking over at Jessie and James again before looking back at Foxx and adding, "I still can believe that they had a kid let alone that said kid was you Foxx."

"How is it you knew we were your parents anyways?" asked Jessie, "James didn't tell you did he?"

"No I kind of pieced things together. Like I told you on the train though Professor Oak tried to hide the Team Rocket blouse that I was wrapped up in and left on his door step as a baby I found it. Now that alone wasn't enough especially since he told me that my parents had died shortly after I was born." explained Foxx, "You told me that one no members of Team Rocket died ten years ago that you knew of and second that you both wore the white as a fashion choice."

"You were able to figure it out just from all that?" asked Brock half amazed half still confused.

"Not exactly. You see when we snuck into the Team Rocket hideout I had my tablet hack into their records to which I found out that ten years ago there indeed hadn't been any deaths but Jessie and James took a six month vacation." explained Foxx with a smile. "So I just put two and two together and that's how they had me."

The last bit caused everyone to laugh except James who oddly didn't get the joke which only added to the humor of things. So they all laughed and joked a little more before Jenny, Brock and Misty all said their good byes and left which left Foxx and his parents to talk.

"So son. Wow that feels so weird saying it." started Jessie as she began to tear up.

"Hay mom it was only ten years and I don't hate you one bit for leaving me. In fact I'm just glade I finally get to meet you." encouraged Foxx as he gave her a big hug.

"Thank, but we missed out on so much of your childhood." sighed James.

"I'm not an adult yet so there's still some of my childhood left not to mention my whole pokemon journey." explained Foxx turning to look at his father. "So why don't you come with me to challenge Whitney. That way you can cheer me on and then we can head back to my gym and do a little training before we move on with our journey."

"You really want us to go with you?" asked Jessie, "But we're Team Rocket?"

"No you where Team Rocket." replied Foxx "Now you're just Jessie and James Pokemon Trainers."

To Be Continued...

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