Episode Ten: Misty

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With a sigh Misty starts to get up from her spot next to Brock before Foxx turned to them and said, "Why don't we break for dinner, and if there's time we can have our battle then Misty."

"Actually Foxx unless the ladies have dinner already prepared than I can make us something while you and Misty have your battle." offered Brock knowing Misty just wanted to get back to their vacation.

"I guess if that's what you want." shrugged Foxx "I didn't think Misty even wanted to battle so I was giving her a way out."

"You calling me chicken?" asked Misty as she stormed up to him.

"No, not at all. I just know this was your vacation and we stumbled into it and the others wanted to battle and you didn't. I was just trying to help you get back to your vacation." explained Foxx as he stood up from his now fully healed pokemon.

"Oh." replied Misty a bit embarrassed. "Well It has been a long time since I've had Brock's cooking so why not. Let's have a quick battle before getting a splash of something to eat."

"Now that's the spirit just don't drowned or burn the chef." replied Brock.

Now Misty and Foxx took their positions and though he knew Misty was a water specialist he still lead with Joy to help train her and challenge her abilities. As for Misty she started off with Starme.

The two battled hard as they both kept one thought in mind. For Misty that was "I'm A Gym Leader" As for Foxx it was "We Are A Team".

It was these two things that drove the battle hard and hot but in the end and only by three health points Foxx walked away the victor. As for Misty she had a smile on her face as she walked over to him and presented him with the cascade badge and said, "I haven't had this much fun since my time traveling with Ash."

To Be Continued...

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