Episode Thirteen: G.S. Ball

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"A young trainer along with your two friends brought this by almost two and a half years ago now and I haven't discovered anything out about it." sighed Kurt handing the G.S. Ball to Foxx before sitting down in a nearby chair.

"Ash gave this to you? What does the G.S. stand for?" asked Foxx as he started to examine the ball.

"Yes that was the trainer's name. He had the most energetic Pikachu I've seen. As for what it means I've got a few theories but that's about it." sighed Kurt. "Not even the professors know. Oak just found it one day and sent it my way."

"That's odd. Why wouldn't he'd had me look at it? I've been tinkering with pokeballs for about five years?" asked Foxx as he set the G.S. Ball right next to their new X-Ball.

"Well you're very talented and creative when it comes to pokeballs I'll have to admit but I've been building and customizing pokeballs since long before you were born kid." confessed Kurt, "But I do see your point you'd think with your talents you'd think Oak would've given you a go first before sending it my way."

"What do you know of where he found the ball?" asked Foxx as he looked  at the G.S. Ball puzzled.

"Nothing just that everything he tried didn't work to open the ball." sighed Kurt, "You could always just call him."

"You know what I think I will." replied Foxx spinning in his chair and standing up getting ready to head to the phone.

"Oh and before I forget your friends stopped by earlier they said they wanted to talk with you about something." replied Kurt, "You should go and see them and get out of this workshop."

"I will after I call my Pa." replied Foxx as he ran over to the phone and input Professor Oak's number.

It wasn't long before Oak answered the phone, "Hello this is Professor Oak speaking how can I help you?"

"Hi pa it's me Foxx, I wanted to know if you remember a special ball that you had Ash bring to Kurt?" replied Foxx with a smile.

"Oh hi son, I do remember that ball why are you trying to help Kurt open that old thing up. I'd totally forgot about it." laughed Oak on the other end of the line.

"Pa do you remember where you found it?" asked Foxx.

"I wasn't the one who found it." replied Oak, "Why?"

"Oh, I have a theory that if I can find out more about where it was found then I might have a better chance about figuring out how to open it." sighed Foxx.

"Well I can get you in touch with the professor who did find it if that'd help your research out." encouraged Oak, "Let me find her number and I'll send it with the small care package I was about to send out to you."

"Thanks pa." replied Foxx before hanging up the phone.

To Be Continued...

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