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"Ah man, I miss you, how's work been?" Dianne asked, laying on her bed in her parent's house.

"Yeah not bad, I'm done now 2 days before Christmas." Joe said, not sounding too happy about that, he was meant to be going with Dianne to Australia for Christmas but had to pull out due to several cock ups by his manager, that meant he had to work 5 days over what he planned and miss the trip to Oz.

"Hey it's okay, I don't mind, you going to your Dad's?" She asked, hoping he would say yes so he wasn't completely alone at Christmas.

"Yeah, about that, I probably won't be able to message you or call you as much as I want because the signals crap and I want to make sure I'm present for my nan and stuff. And I'm sorry I've not been answering today, it's been really full on" Joe said, feeling guilty.

"I understand, don't beat yourself up about this all Joe, it wasn't your fault." Dianne reminded him, knowing how self-deprecating he was being.

"I feel so bad though, it's only our 2nd Christmas together and I haven't actually seen you on Christmas day yet." Joe explained, pressing the phone closer to his ear to make sure she could properly hear him.

"I don't mind, sure I miss you but as you said it's only our second one so there'll be plenty more okay?" Dianne reminded him.

"Yep, I love you," Joe said to her, imagining she was there in front of him.

"Love you too, now get yourself to bed, you must me knackered." Dianne instructed, checking the time in England, 2:20 am.

"I am, love you, see you soon, bye" and with that Joe hung up, leaving Dianne in silence again on her bed. She hated how upset he was over it all, which made the one thing she wanted to do, hug him tightly, so much harder.


"D'you think she suspects anything?" Andrew asked Joe who was sat in the back of the car, the summer sun beating down on him.

"Not a thing, she keeps telling me to not feel guilty for having to work which is having the opposite effect, making me feel guilty for not telling her I finished 2 days early." Joe explained to Dianne's brother and his girlfriend who had met him at the airport in Perth. The same pair that were driving him to his love.

"Ah I'm sure she'll forgive you when she sees you," Mel said, as Andrew indicated for the turn of into the coastal town of Bunbury.

"Fingers crossed, I'm all nervous it's like become so real, I'm like 10 minutes away from her," Joe rambled taking in his surroundings, this was where she had grown up. This was probably a road she had driven down. And the beach Joe could see on the other side of the road was the same beach she admitted to being distracted by every day in school. Why she had ever left, do didn't know but he was thankful she had. Thankful that he got to see this part of the world and surprise the love of his life. 

"She's going to be so excited. Mum's excited and she knows about it all!" Andrew told him with a laugh. Of course Joe knew this, as they had been messaging back and forth all week making sure the plan was in place, ensuring his Dianne expected nothing.

"So the plan is I'll tell her I need help getting something out of the boot and you'll jump out when she opens it and scare her." Andrew checked, as Joe climbed into the boot.

Joe nodded and heard Andrew say good luck, as he closed the boot. Joe held his breath in nervous anticipation, the darkness increasing his nerves tenfold.

Meanwhile, Andrew let himself into the house and shouted for Dianne.

"What?" She asked grumpy, she was really missing Joe, especially because she was wearing top that was covered in his smell.

"I need your help with something in the car," Andrew said, ignoring her tone.

"Can't you get Mel to help you or mum or dad?" She asked, not making it easy for him. Not that he had expected her to.

"Nah, too heavy for them, I need the strongest Buzz." He said, looking at her from his place at the bottom of the stairs, thinking 'if only you came quicker your mood would be lifted'.

"Ugh, fine" she sighed and came the rest of the way down the stairs, slipped some flip flops that happened to be Joe's on and walked out, down the steps from the porch to where the cars are kept, under the house.

"Just pop the boot, I'm on my way," Andrew called much to Dianne's annoyance. She pressed the button, muttering her annoyance and jumped back in shock at the sight in front.

"Hi love," Joe said with a cheeky grin on his face.

"What the, how, what?" She stuttered, offering her hand to him to pull him out so he could hug her tightly.

"My work finished a few days early so I thought I'd come and spend Christmas with you if that's okay." Joe explained, kissing her head, still squeezing her as hard as he could.

"Yes!" Dianne sobbed, resting her head on his shoulder overcome with emotion.

"Don't cry Di," he rubbed her back hoping to calm her down.

"I've just really missed you," she pulled back to look at him. He smiled making her press her lips into his, applause sounding from behind them.

"Did you know?" She shouted up at them.

"Course we did," they all shouted back making her laugh and kiss Joe again.

"This is already the best Christmas ever," she concluded, leaning her head on him again.

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