" Part - 3 "

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          " Camila's Point Of View "

I woke up hearing my phone ringing.Why Can't i sleep peacefully at once?

"Dinah Fucking Jane"

"What D? I screamed feeling angry at her for disturbing my sleep.

" Don't Talk to me like this.I was worried about you.You didn’t call me yesterday".Dinah Said from otherside.suddenly, I'm feeling guilty for shouting at her.

"sorry,D.I was busy & i was tried So i sleept early".I said in a apological tone.

" Ok,Mila.How yesterday went? "

"Actually, Mr. Jauregui & Mrs. Jauregui seemed nice." I said smalling softly.

"How about their daughter?" Dinah teased.I can feel her smirking.

She didn’t come yesterday "D".

"What! Why?" Dinah exclaimed loudly.

"Mrs. Jauregui said there is something important  came up at last minute.But, She gave me Lauren's phone number though " I explained.

"Lauren? Huh??Dinah teased. Whoa Mila did you call her?

" No.I am feeling awkward about it.She has my number too.she haven't called me yet.She even didn’t come yesterday." I said feeling little bit frustrated.

"Umm... I coming over, Mila". Dinah said

I didn’t have much time to speak anything. She Cut the call.


I ate my breakfast with Sofi.Then i started watching " SpongeBob" with her.Don't judge me ok?

Then I heard the ball ringing.I know It's Dinah.

Sofi went To open the door.It's younger sibling's duty,Right?

"Yo,Sof".Dinah high fived Sofi."Whassup chancho?Dinah asked Excitedly.

"i'm good."

"I bet you are." Dinah said deviously. She opened her mouth to speak something. But, I cut her off.

" Ok.sofi. Dinah & I are going upstair.Will you be ok here?" I asked sofi.

"Yes,Kaki." Sofi replied.

As soon as I shut my door.Dinah Jumped at my bone.

"Mila,I did all my researches about  'Lauren Jauregui'. She is absolutely stunning.Here look at her.Dinah said handing me her phone.

" No".I quickly rejected her.

"Why not, chancho?After all she is Your would be wife".

She does have a point.

I unlocked her phone with my fingerprint.Both, Dinah & my phone unlocks with each other fingerprint.I looked at the display of her phone.My  breath hitched on my throat.

Boy! She is really beautiful.

" She is hot.Isn't she?"

"Hmm"....I hummed in agreement. I just stared at her.Unable to find anything to speak.

"Call her chancho."

"No way,Cheeche."


"There is no in the hell she  agreed to marry me.She is so beautiful. May be this is just a deal for her.It means nothing to her", I sighed.

"If you Won't call her how you can get to know her?You are getting married to her",Dinah said trying to sound convincing."

"But, I think she should call me first as like not for coming yesterday. "

"Mila,Stop being such feminist type.Just call her."

"Dinah,I'm not being feminist type.But,still Dinah.I can't call her.It will look like, I'm disparate for talking to her.I think she should call me first, I tried to defend."

"Just Call her".

I sighed.I always follow her advise.

I struggle to find the card which has Lauren's number.I dialed her number.Honestly, My heart this thumping on my chest.

"Hello". I heard a raspy voice.

" Umm...hello.I'm Camila.Camila Cabello."

"put phone on Speaker, 'Mila', Dinah said Nudging my shoulder".I put phone on speaker.

" I know. I had saved your number before.Why are You calling me at this Hour?I'm busy right now." She sound so annoyed.

"But, I thought....... "

"I'm at my office now.Bye"she said Cutting off the call.

I heard the line went with a beep.Dinah & I stared at each other dumbfoundly.I wanna cry.

"What the fuck did happen?I will kill her.How dare she to talk to you like this.Fucking bitch."Dinah exclaimed with so much anger in her voice.

" I Don't know 'D", I said buried my face in my hand.

Don't cry, Mila. I'm so sorry for forcing you to talk with her.How Can you marry this bitch " I heard Dinah said.

"I don't know, Dinah.I guess I have to tolerate her for my family. I have no choice, I said sadly."


"Please leave me alone, Dinah.Tell sofi not to bother me & tell her If mom return from outside  not to bother me either." I told Dinah pleadingly.  

Dinah let out a defeated sigh."Ok,Mila.Take care of yourself ok?" I'll see you tomorrow.

I didn’t say anything. I let my tears flow freely. Why am i crying?I don't even no 'Lauren'.She is completely stranger to me.But, she is my would be bride.It hurts.

Her Parents are so good People. Why she has to be Such a bitch?She is a typical rich girl.

Fuck You "Lauren Jauregui" For making My cry.

A.N : I Don't do proof reading. Pardon me for my mistakes. Next chapter is Gonna be Lauren's Point of view. What do you feel about it?

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