" Part - 9"

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     " Lauren's Point Of View "

Currently,  I'm heading towards  Camila's house. I'm going to be with her 5 days! Omg!! But, i really don't know if she get bored in this business trip. As, most of the time I'll be busy with my meetings & stuff.

I reached at her house. I saw that she is standing outside her house holding 3 briefcase with Sinu.

I get off the car & greeted Sinu.

" Whoa!!Camz, did you pack your whole house? ,  i teased her.

" Shut up. This are Just my necessary things. " she said groaning.

" I'm so gonna marry a Diva" i said chuckling.

"" Um... So what you are gonna do about it? " she raised an eyebrow.

"Then, I have to cope up with a diva" i said smiling.

" Yea. Any problem? She asked playfully.

" Never. I'm ok with it. C'mon camz. "

We both bade Sinu good bye. Then, i opened the backdoor for her.

We are both on the backseat. There is a little space between us. But, It's not awkward. I just want to hold her hand. I have kissed Camila before. It's not a secret that we like each other. Just hold her hand!  Idiot!!!

Then, i slide my hand over  hers she smiled softly at me. That smiles swells my heart. She pulled my hand into her lap & her thumb cearssing my hand. I can't help but lean in & pecked her lips.

After few minutes, We reached at the airport. 

"C'mon Camz we are going by my private jett." i said stretching my hand for her to take.

" You have private jett?"  She asked in amusement

"Yes. I have." i said.

" Rich shit" She mumbled in her breath. I chuckled. That's exactly  why i like her. She doesn’t bother of the fact that I'm rich.

We got on the jett. It will be a long journey of 11 hours. In the whole way she just staring at outside beauty & i am just staring at the beautiful girl beside me.


We reached at the hotel.

Shit! I booked just a room with one bed. How can i be this careless!! I even don't know if she would be ok sleeping with me in the same bed.

" Um... " i cleared my throat. " Camz, i booked one bed room. I hope that you don't mind. If you have any problem i can change the room now. Therefore we can get two beds." i said.

" Why would i have i  problem, Lo. Besides, I don't bite. Don't forget that we are getting married soon. "  She winked.

My mouth went dry at that side. I don't know how much i can take this. Damn! Her wink is fucking sexy.

I pulled her into a kiss. Which she gladly accepted. I hold onto her waist & her hands gasping my neck. I pushed my tounge into her bottem lip. She granted my access. Then, her tongue is dancing with mines. Both of our tongues are shy. But, we are kissing each other passionately.

She pulled away. We kept our forehead together. No one of us saying nothing. We are just staring each other

I broke the silence.

" Camz, I have to attend a meeting. I'm sorry that i have to leave you alone. " i said her.

She pouted & thought of something.
" No. It's ok. But, seriously. I can't spend my time doing nothing. How about you drop me into a library?

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