-. xiii.

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Taehyung had heard about how killers got a kick out of involving themselves in the case, and even in the victim's life prior to their untimely death; but he had never met someone so deeply weaves into their own web of deceit and destruction like M...

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Taehyung had heard about how killers got a kick out of involving themselves in the case, and even in the victim's life prior to their untimely death; but he had never met someone so deeply weaves into their own web of deceit and destruction like Min Yoongi.

Soojin never stood a chance, not really.

Whether Taehyung had decided to pick her or not, she would eventually get caught up in Yoongi's web. He had already invaded her social media life, catching the eye of her best friend in a way that was innocent enough that they'd never suspect him.

Taehyung had spoken to dozens of girls, charming and luring them into a false sense of security with him, so when they finally did meet up they'd never see it coming. They'd never see him coming. For four years he had done this for, both him and Jungkook.

After so long, they had both learned to detach themselves from it, disconnect their emotions from reality. They no longer saw the girls as innocent people, but rather as life lines. All the while Yoongi was able to do what he was doing, they were safe.

They were in this mess because of Taehyung, anyway.

His phone buzzed beside him, dragging him from his reverie and he picked it up with a frown.

i hate to be that guy

you're slacking and it

you know what he'll do
to us if you don't do this

And Taehyung did know. He still suffered with the nightmares of what happened. He and Jungkook didn't comply to Yoongi's sick, twisted game straight away, no. They put up a fight and they tried to sabotage Yoongi's game, but that was a mistake.

Yoongi managed to get in their heads, under their skin, he hurt them in ways they didn't realize was even possible. Much like how a horse gets broken to ride, they were broken to serve as nothing more than puppets in Yoongi's control, too afraid to cut the strings because of the fall.

I'm trying.

not hard enough, you
know he'll have no problem
putting you back in the
basement if you don't do this

Why her? Why Soojin

the challenge??

i don't know, you just need
to bite the bullet on this one,
you can't afford to let anything
get in the way taehyung.

remember our rules. always put
you first.

But he couldn't. Not this time. He had tried so hard multiple times to push this all away, to stay away, but always found himself going back. There was nothing special about Soojin, nothing that made her stand out from the rest, but the way he felt when speaking to her... that was different.

And he wanted to keep that.

So when Yoongi left to go pick up Hoseok, Taehyung did something stupid, something that would come back on all of them.

He messaged her. He needed her to know the truth, know that he was really him. He knew of the consequences, but he had to make sure she was safe, that she was no longer attached to the same strings that had been bound to him for four years now.

And so, he FaceTimed her, telling her everything about what was happening. His plan was to drive her away from the fire, but all he did was pull her further in.

shitty chapter, i know, i had so
much planned but like it didn't flow
together so you just have an angsty
taehyung sorry bois, i'll so better next time

𝐞-𝐛𝐨𝐲. ↬ k. taehyung Where stories live. Discover now