-. xxii.

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"And that's it, story time concluded," Yoongi clapped his hands in a sudden motion, startling Soojin with the sound, "Do you see just what kind of disgusting filth he is? Do you see why I've done what I've done?"

Soojin wanted to say so much. She wanted to tell him how he was deluded mess, that if anything, his story only made Taehyung out to be more of a victim, what happened to Yoongi's sister wasn't his fault. She wanted so badly to scream in his face about how psychotic he really was to think this was any way to live for the death of his sister.

But she didn't. Couldn't.

He absolutely terrified her. She had seen the articles of the girls who had unknowingly crossed his path before and what he did to them, she wasn't stupid enough, nor brave enough, to anger him.

After the long pause of silence swept over them, Yoongi cocked his head to the side with a faux pout, "What, no answer?" He crouched down in front of her, his forearm resting on his knee as his smile grew at how Soojin pushed herself further back against the wall., "It's because you know I'm right. If he never did what he did that day, she'd still be here. Her and all those girls he killed."

"He?" The word tumbled from her mouth before she had the chance to stop them, though once they started, she couldn't stop, "Do you blame the knife for stabbing someone or the person using it?"

Yoongi's expression faded into something much darker as his jaw squared. Within a millisecond, he had grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled it back so hard that her head connected to the wall with a thump. She cried out, squeezing her eyes shut and hissing through her teeth.

"Watch that mouth of yours, Soojin," Yoongi warned in a tone loud enough for Taehyung to hear through the wall, "Now's not the time to lose your tongue."

Releasing her hair, he leaned back with a hollow smirk on his lips, dead beyond the eyes, "Anyway, Hoseok isn't expecting me back at the cabin for another few hours, which means we have some time to play..." Trailing off, he jumped to his feet, straightening out and walking towards the black backpack he threw down when he first came in.

Soojin swallowed hard, feeling her chest constrict and her throat tighten, it took every inch of energy she had still coursing through her achy body to not cry. She wanted to, so bad, but she wasn't prepared to give Yoongi the satisfaction he yearned.

And that's exactly why she didn't attempt to bargain with him either, it was just something he wanted. He wanted to feel in control, he wanted her to know she was beneath him.

Exhaling slowly and shakily, she looked up at Yoongi just as he pulled shackles— literal shackles— from his back pack, the obnoxious clinging from the heavy metal chains made her blood run cold.

"I find these better than handcuffs. The girls seemed to be getting out of them pretty easy," He explained with such idle nonchalance, anyone would have thought it was a casual conversation between friends.

He made her sick. And yet, she could only worry for Hoseok. What sort of lies had he span to pull the wool over her best friend's eyes?

Whistling an unknown, slow and melodic tune to himself, Yoongi attached one of the shackles to pipe of a nearby radiator before stretching it out, stopping just in front of Soojin's legs. There was a pause before he crouched in front of her, flashing her a grin before clipping the other shackle to her ankle.

She didn't dare move.

The cool steel pinched the skin and she bit back a curse, her firsts balling beside her.

Satisfied that she wouldn't be able to take the shackles off without severely hurting herself, Yoongi nodded with a grin, standing back to his feet once again.

"This is gonna be great," He snickered before leaving the room abruptly.

She exhaled sharply, her chest heaving as her emotions crumbled through her, wracking her bones. She knew he was going to come back, but she couldn't hold back sheer amount of terror she felt.

She heard voices outside before Yoongi came back in, his smile beaming and he had to tilt his head upwards just to see past the onyx bangs, watching gleefully as Soojin's expression faltered once she spotted who was behind him.


It was the first time she had seen him in person, his head low as he followed Yoongi obediently, all too aware of the consequences that follow rebellion. Yoongi situated him on the other side of the room, shackled to the old boiler pipe before clapping his hands once.

Soojin couldn't take her eyes off Taehyung, he was right in front of her, yet too far to reach out to touch. He still wouldn't look up and his breathing was labored.

What the hell was Yoongi planning?

i can't see half my screen because it's
cracked to fuck, pls forgive any
spelling errors.

𝐞-𝐛𝐨𝐲. ↬ k. taehyung Where stories live. Discover now