-. xxi

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"Who's that?"

Hoseok jumped at the sudden voice before easing at the familiarity, a smooth smile curving his lips as he tilted his head to look at Yoongi.

"It's just Soojin," He replied nonchalantly, not noticing how Yoongi's demeanour straightened.

"Oh? How is she?"

In danger, was what Hoseok really wanted to say, but he was sworn to secrecy. If either of them were in danger, they weren't to speak to anyone aside from the authorities— or in this case, Yoonmin— so no matter how much the guilt twisted in his gut for keeping it from Yoongi, he played it off as cooly as he could, "She's... well, she's Soojin."

"What are you talking about?"

Yoongi tried to play his tone off nonchalant, and it would have worked if Hoseok wasn't already in high alert. Frowning slightly at his boyfriend's words, Hoseok's smile became a little forced, "Just when we were friends, we used to go to my grandmothers for peaches and cream."

Seemingly growing disinterested, Yoongi nodded his slowly before lying back down on the bed and Hoseok's smile faded.

He didn't want to bring attention to it, but he had noticed how strange Yoongi had started behaving. He'd be out for hours at a time with some vague answer and he was crazy protective of his phone.

Standing up, Hoseok clutched his phone in his hand, you're just overthinking like you always do, I'm sure Yoongi has a good explanation for what's going on.

Suddenly, a soft hand curved into his, cool to the touch. He looked down to see Yoongi smiling softly at him, ebony locks threatening to invade his vision. In that moment, to see the softness in his boyfriend's eyes and the way he held his hand so gingerly, Hoseok's doubts were washed away.

Yoongi couldn't, wouldn't hurt a fly. He was sure of it.

"Come stay with me for a bit? Please?" And that was it, that was all Yoongi had to say for Hoseok to melt.

Locking his phone, his tossed it onto the side and crawled back into bed, so lost in his own hopeless love to remember his only task. To remember the SOS from his best friend.

It was a mistake Hoseok was sure to regret.

𝐞-𝐛𝐨𝐲. ↬ k. taehyung Where stories live. Discover now