-. xxiii.

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"I'm going to head out for a bit, but I'll be back later, okay?"

"Again?" Hoseok asked with weaved brows. Yoongi has been bailing on him a lot more recently and he couldn't help but notice it was the same time as Soojin's texts seem to stop. It felt like a heavy rock was sinking in his stomach.

Yoongi chuckled lightly, "You're cute. I just need to go check up on some things and I'll be right back. We can watch a movie, if you want?"

Hoseok offered his boyfriend a small smile, nodding his head and Yoongi lowered himself enough to place a chaste kiss on Hoseok's forehead before waving goodbye.

After hearing the door close, Hoseok shot up, snatching his jacket from the back of the couch, his eyes glued to the window as he watched Yoongj drive away. Wordlessly, he pulled up a tracking app he downloaded the day before, relieved that it worked.

He had slipped the tracking piece on the back of Yoongi's car, so wherever he went, Hoseok would know.

It had been three days since he last heard from Soojin and if his irksome gut feeling had was right about Yoongi being behind her distress code, then he was running out of time.

Running to his car, he quickly started it up and put his phone in the holder so he could keep track of Yoongi's route.

Hoseok frowned at the screen when he saw Yoongi come to a stop outside a gas station. Making sure to park far enough away that Yoongi didn't see him but close enough that he could see what was happening, he watched intently.

Maybe... maybe I'm just being paranoid and he's not behind any of this, Hoseok tried to convince himself, but the inexplicable churning in his stomach didn't cease.

Just then Yoongi came out of the gas station store and back into his car, rolling further down the road. Hoseok followed in shit, making sure to keep his distance. Just then, Yoongi's car took a sharp right turn down a narrow concrete road.

"What...?"  Hoseok mumbled to himself. He squinted his eyes, trying to see where the road lead to, but it was too far back.

He quickly called the one person he knew would be able to help,

"Jung Hoseok, what a goddamn surprise."

"Yoonmin, I need your help."

Yoonmin immediately picked up from the severity of Hoseok's tone and his tone dropped an octave, "Sure, what is it?"

"I think something bad has happened to Soojin," Hearing the words out loud for the first time made Hoseok's voice break and eyes sting, "I'm following the guy I think is behind it. I need you to track my cell and meet me here."

There was an elongated pause on the other end, "Hoseok, that's dangerous, don't follow him, leave that to me—"

"— I'm already here and you can't stop me. I wont do anything stupid just..." Hoseok inhaled sharply, "Make sure you bring something to protect yourself. If I'm right about this, this guy is dangerous."

Before Yoonmin had further chance to protest, Hoseok hung up and began his descent down the winding road. A multitude of reds, browns and oranges littered the roads from the autumnal season, and in any other situation, Hoseok may have thought of how pretty it looked, even with the swirling clouds above him, but he barely paid them any mind.

The road eventually broke into a manmade clearing with a few scattered abandoned buildings. One complex stood out the most though. The one with Yoongi's car parked directly outside. Stopping at the entrance of the clearing, Hoseok jumped out and headed towards the building.

Hoping and praying that his best friend was here and alive.

He couldn't lose her.

𝐞-𝐛𝐨𝐲. ↬ k. taehyung Where stories live. Discover now