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hI! it's me, doswoooon, or spill, or tea, or melk depending on who you are and where you know me from!

first of all, if you're reading this author's note, thank you so much for reading eboy! it truly means a lot that you stuck around to the very end despite the number of problems with this story, i hope you at least enjoyed it! furthermore, if you're reading this author's note not long after i published it, i would also like to say a massive thank you for staying with me whilst i dragged myself to complete this story. it's taken a whole year and a half but we did it, and i can't show my gratitude enough that you guys were so patient with me, ily.

secondly, i'd like to clean up a few loose ends. this isn't my best story by a long shot, but it was my first of this series and i lost inspiration multiple times because i didn't like where the plot was going. but it's done now.

soojin was never the main character, we started off by watching the events unfold from her angle, but she could have very easily just been another victim. when they say there was nothing inherently special about her, that there was nothing she did differently from the other women, they mean it. the only reason her story took a different turn was that she and taehyung naturally connected on a level more than what was supposed to happen. at the end, you'll see it was the best friends the saved them. hoseok was the one who pushed to find soojin, and when he saw her on the roof, he was the one to run immediately to her and when taehyung was just about to die, it was jungkook who came to the rescue, despite his injuries. i did this because i wanted to emphasise the fact that their friendships, the ones they have had for years, weren't to fall short to a newly bloomed romance. because, realistically, even though i base these stories off kdrama cliches (as you can tell from the very generic roof scene) i want there to be an element of real-life in there. throughout the entire story, the one's who pushed, and pushed, and pushed were the ones that had been there the most for them.

the romance aspect between taehyung and soojin was in smaller quantities to how kdramas actually are because i feel like the severity of the situation itself would drown out most, if not all, opportunities for romance. they clicked before soojin ever knew she was in real danger, her feelings grew for him and then stopped when she found out his 'true motive', but they weren't gone entirely because who she had feelings for was real. she knows wholeheartedly that what he did was very wrong, but he was also under duress and holds remorse himself. does that make him redeemable? well, that's down to you to decide.

soojin thought so, but she's also not my brightest oc.

yoongi, however, is a psychopath. they don't talk about it much and he brings up his potential motive a lot being that his sister died on the way to meet taehyung. he knows it's not taehyung's fault, but he enjoys the emotional torture he puts taehyung through. taehyung is yoongi's ultimate victim here. he has grown a very unhealthy fixation towards him. as taehyung hinted to, yoongi was never entirely sane. he had a shitty childhood and he made coping mechanisms he couldn't come back from, but when he lost jaehee, that was the snap. that was when he became entirely apathetic towards everything around him, and of course, the one thing his sister loved other than him, was taehyung. i hope that somewhat explains his character. another thing i wanted to keep realistic was his story. the thing is, in real life, you don't know why a person acts the way they do when they do something this heinous. you'll never know yoongi's full story, only what other characters knew, because they'll never know either. there is no closure or narrative explanation for his behavior.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... if you have any other questions about the fic, please feel free to ask!

once again, thank you so much for making it to this point <3

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