Chapter Twenty One

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(A/N) Huge sorry for the absence! But it was due to personal matters that couldn't be avoided.

That sounded so formal, oops.

I am still here and so is this story, so don't you worry:) As always, happy reading and have a wonderful day,

Enjoy x


"It's funny, ain't it? The fact you can think or feel whatever you want and no one could ever know unless you tell them?"

Calum ran his fork across his plate, screeching as it made contact with the dish. He looked up at me from across the table. "Weird, huh?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, brushing the toast crumbs off of my lap. The midmorning sun glared through the threads of the curtains, threatening to spill brassy shapes across the table.

"Or, like, someone could say something and it can trigger a billion thoughts, but you never have to say them." Calum dropped the the fork down with a clang, resting his elbow down beside it. He stared blankly down at his food for a while, then screwed his eyes shut, shaking his head.

"Sorry," he made a face, as if surprised those words had even come out of his mouth. "That was really stupid."

He chuckled awkwardly, nibbling on his nail. We both fell silent, so quiet that you could hear Michael and Luke talking from the other room in an almost inaudible blur of voices straining through the crack of the door. Ashton, as always, was still in his room still fast asleep leaving me and Calum alone in the kitchen.

It was shaded, but not dark. The drawn curtains had a frame of light illuminated from the outside, begging to be opened. But we left them shut, letting the few escaped beams of light cast skinny shadows across both of our faces.

"Don't" I shook my head.

"Don't what?"

"Don't say sorry." I half- smiled. "It wasn't stupid, in fact." I reached for the carton of orange juice, pouring myself a cup. "I think that's the best thing that's come out of your mouth since I've been here." I joked, slurping down my drink.

Calum crumpled up his face, pursing his lips. "That makes me sound like a complete douche." he pouted.

"Well, what can I say- one of first things you said to me were, uh, what was it again, um..." I scratched my head, " 'You look awful'? " I raised my eyebrows, referencing back to the first day.


"I had just gotten of a freakin airplane, Cal." I rolled my eyes. "-For you." I added, finishing of my juice. "

" I had just left school, my family- my whole persona back on the otherside of the world, for you. And that kinda takes a toll on your appearance, so I apologize for having to put your eyes through that mess." I laughed, folding my arms and leaning back into my seat.

It didn't take long to realize that I was the only one laughing, and soon enough my laughter died down too. Calum didn't react as I thought he was going to, if anything, he looked guilty. Which was the last thing I would ever want him to feel.

"Sophie, I,"

"Calum I was joking."

"No you wern't." he cut me off bluntly, "I may not know a lot about you anymore but I know when your lying."

I sighed, flicking a loose strand of hair out from my face. He know's when I lie, huh?

Wanna bet?

"It was a joke, Cal." I picked up his fork, placing back into his large, warm hand. "Finish your food." I said, attempting to change the subject. "You probably won't be able to eat until the livestream later."

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