Chapter 10

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Sana's POV

Finally, school is over! What a tough day today is!

I managed to take notes for both Nayeon-unnie and Momo. I envy Dahyun since she ends earlier than me and doesn't have a lot of lessons today so she doesn't need to write so much stuff while i need to write so much for Nayeon-unnie and Momo! I wonder how are the members get picked for the schedule today?!

I'm now on my way home with Jihyo and Jeongyeon-unnie since we end at the same time today while Dahyun? She's probably at home.

No One's POV

--While the others are in school/at home--

"Chewy ah, do you think Dahyun manage to take notes for the both of us?" Chaeyoung asked Tzuyu who is sitting beside her. They are in the van, on the way to a venue for their schedule and lucky they all have the same schedule so they can go home together. 

"I'm sure she can manage. I mean, our class end at 1pm today so she can manage on her own. If she can't, she can ask her table-mate to help her." Tzuyu said with her eyes closed and Chaeyoung hummed in agreement to Tzuyu's words. 

"Chewy ah~! Are you tired? Do you want to put your head on my shoulder so you can sleep more comfortably ~?" Nayeon said to Tzuyu and looked at her, hoping that Tzuyu would put her head on her shoulder. 

"No thanks, unnie. I think i'm more comfortable like this. I will be uncomfortable if i lie on your shoulder and my neck will hurt also." Tzuyu said coldly, her eyes still closed and Nayeon just pouted and instead of continuing what she's doing, she put her head on Tzuyu's shoulder, closing her eyes and fall asleep while Tzuyu just let her be. 

Mina, who saw and heard that, she became jealous since she has a crush on Tzuyu and tried to hide her jealousy from Momo who is sitting beside her by looking outside. Momo, of course, noticed it and texted Jihyo and the plan on making Mina jealous is going smoothly. Momo decided to pretend that she didn't notice Mina's jealousy expression and continued her doings.

After who knows how long, they finally arrived at the venue for their first event that's in their schedule. Chaeyoung woke Tzuyu and Nayeon up, telling them they have arrived. Tzuyu woke up but Nayeon didn't wake up yet as she is deep asleep. Tzuyu just told Chaeyoung to go ahead first and she will go when Nayeon wakes up. Their manager who is with them, stayed in the van with the 2 of them so she could guide them where to go later when Nayeon wakes up. Tzuyu lets Nayeon continue sleeping with her head on the younger member's shoulder. 


On the other side, Chaeyoung, Momo and Mina are already ready for the event and all they need to do now is just wait for the other 2 members to come. Chaeyoung told Momo and Mina about Nayeon and Tzuyu since Mina asked Chaeyoung about it. Again, Mina acts like she isn't jealous but deep inside, she's definitely jealous. She also want to out her head on Tzuyu's shoulder but have no courage to do so. Even though Mina is hiding the fact that she's jealous, Momo obviously noticed it and looked at Chaeyoung who is using her phone and texted Chaeyoung about Mina. Momo also texted Jihyo again. Chaeyoung and Momo looked at each other at the same time and grinned to each other, happy to know that the plan is going smoothly once again. 

Momo received a message from Jihyo and looked at the message sent by Jihyo. Jihyo messaged Momo about a small plan and Momo forwarded the message to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung read the message. After reading the message, she looked at Momo and Momo also looked at her, the both of them just nod to each other in agreement of the plan. Momo not only forwarded the message to Chaeyoung but she also forwarded the message to Nayeon. Mina who is on her phone, don't know what is happening around her as she is into her phone. 

After waiting for so long, Chaeyoung decided to call the manager's phone, not wanting to disturb Nayeon and Tzuyu if she call their phone. Momo and Mina looked at Chaeyoung, curious of when those 2 members are gonna come here. After a few words, Chaeyoung ended the call. 

"So? Are they coming here now or still in the van?" Mina asked, looking at Chaeyoung while Momo secretly looked back and forth between Chaeyoung and Mina, wanting to see Mina's expression and reaction. 

"The manager said that Nayeon-unnie is still sleeping comfortably with her head on Chewy's shoulder." Chaeyoung said while shrugging her shoulders and quickly took a glance at Mina and look back at her phone again. Chaeyoung knew that Momo noticed Mina frowned but afterwards, Mina have her poker face on and continue looking at her phone. Chaeyoung and Mina just looked at each other and grinned before continuing what they are doing.

Their first event is a variety show appearance and it is a prerecording session. It is almost time for the members to start prerecording but Nayeon and Tzuyu still have not come to the waiting room where the members are currently at. Mina getting worried about the both of them, especially Tzuyu. Momo and Chaeyoung remained calm, believing that Nayeon would wake up before the prerecording session starts.

A staff came into the waiting room and informed the members to get ready before getting called to exit the waiting room. The members nod their head to the staff and the staff left the room. Chaeyoung called the manager's phone and informed the manager what the staff just told the 3 members. After that, Chaeyoung hang up the call with the manager. 

"Don't tell me Nayeon-unnie is still sleeping in the van?" Mina asked, a little bit of anger can be heard in her voice. Chaeyoung just nod and Mina sighed, can't believe that Nayeon can sleep for so long. 

After a while, the manager came into the waiting room with the sleeping Nayeon on Tzuyu's back. Tzuyu slowly and gently put Nayeon down onto the chair. Tzuyu then sat down on the chair next to Nayeon and the staffs start to do their job by putting make-ups and so on onto Tzuyu and the sleeping Nayeon while the manager uses her hands to make sure that Nayeon's' head is facing into the mirror. The two of them have done their preparation for the prerecording and Nayeon is still sleeping. Tzuyu is getting worried that Nayeon might be sick but the other members kept reassuring Tzuyu that Nayeon is just deep asleep and too tired. 

The same staff came into the waiting room and told them to make their way to the prerecording place now. The members have no choice but to wake Nayeon up. While waking Nayeon up, Tzuyu volunteered to piggyback Nayeon since the other members probably can't take her weight onto their backs and be able to walk. Nayeon managed to wake up thanks to the members continuously poking her and shouting at her at the same time while walking to the place to prerecord. It took a while for Nayeon to realize that she is being piggybacked by Tzuyu and whispered a thank you to Tzuyu's ear on one side. Mina saw it and quickly looked away. 


After their schedule are done for the day, they went to eat dinner before heading back home. Momo and Nayeon kept on feeding Tzuyu while Chaeyoung and Mina just ate their food, not bothering what the others are doing to Tzuyu. As for Tzuyu, she just let Momo and Nayeon feed her. 

And on their way back home, Chaeyoung, Momo and Nayeon received a message from Jihyo that the plan preparation was done and can be done at any day and time.

"What a long day today is..." Mina thought to herself.


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