Chapter 13

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The pic above is how the girls are gonna look like at the party!

No One's POV

The 4 boyish members continued talking but when a door creaked open, they stopped talking and became silent, looking forward to seeing a beautiful girl walking towards where they are. 

They turned to their sides and wow...saw Nayeon in a black off-shoulder dress and damn, she look so beauitful until Jeongyeon can't stop staring at her while the 3 looked away, not wanting to look at a girl who is already taken by a particular member. 

As the girls slowly come up of the room one by one, the 4 boyish members were stunned by the girls' beautiful appearance and two of them can't stop staring at their girls, making the 2 girls shy shy shy and looked away from the 2 particular members' stares. 

"Whatever you are wearing right now will be your dress code for the party. On the day of the party, make sure you are wearing what you are wearing now and not other clothing. For the 4 members dressing up as boys, you need to get ready earlier than the rest as you need to apply make-up and need to make your hairstyle like what it is now. Okay?" Their manager said and the members all nodded. 

After their manager left, everyone start talking to one another, praising one another, especially the 3 boyish members who keep on complimenting the girls while Tzuyu, on the other hand, just stayed quiet and continue staring at a certain beautiful girl. "You're damn beautiful, i feel like i'm falling for you now..." Tzuyu thought to herself while staring at the beautiful girl. Chaeyoung accidentally saw Tzuyu and looked at where she is staring and back to Tzuyu who is still staring. Chaeyoung smiled to herself, being happy that the little Yoda is growing up and already falling for a beautiful girl. Chaeyoung took out her phone and secretly texted Jihyo.

Soon, everyone went to change to their comfortable home clothes and start using their phones in their respective rooms. Jihyo read the message and start spreading the word to the other members except for Mina and Tzuyu. After using their phones for who knows how long, they went to sleep. 


Everyone dressed up like that day and board the 2 vans that are waiting for the members. The 4 boyish members sit in 1 van while the other members sit in the other van. They then went to their school where the party will be held. 

Tzuyu's POV

We arrived at our school entrance and everyone alighted from the van. Jeongyeon-unnie, Dahyunie, Chae and i, pretending to be a gentleman, walked on the girls' sides like what bodyguards do when we go to the airport. Dahyunie and Chae walking on the girls' left side while Jeongyeon-unnie and i walking on the right side. 

When we reached the hall where the party is, we are greeted by lots of students. After we all made through the crowd, my older sister's group members, IZ*ONE, came and greet us, welcoming us to their party. Well, apparently, it's one of their members' birthday so they decided to have a birthday party. Of course, everyone is invited but it's optional to go for the party but it seems like the whole school attended the party maybe? 

Me, trying not to make it obvious that Minju-unnie is my older sister, i just smiled to Minju-unnie and the other members of the group. Wonyoung, my table-mate + good friend, saw me and hugged me and i hugged back.

"Gosh! You look so pretty and handsome!" Wonyoung said at me, fangirling at how i look like today. I know i'm pretty handsome today and i'm proud of myself for being beautiful and handsome at the same time!

"Thank you! You look beautiful today!" I exclaimed with excitement. She blushed a little and smiled to me and i smiled back. I looked around and it seems that Dahyunie and Chae are also getting compliments on their appearance today by their table-mate and close friend respectively. 

Once all of us were done greeting with the IZ*ONE members, we went to the side of the hall and let the members who are wearing dress to sit down on the chairs while the 4 of us stood at the either the back or one side of the sitting members. As for me, i stood behind so i could stare at her and i'm sure she wouldn't notice since she's sitting down and i'm just behind, staring at her.

"I'm gonna take a drink. Anyone want any drinks? I'll help you take." I said while walking to the front and looked at the sitting members. Since all of the sitting members, Jeongyeon-unnie and Dahyunie want drinks, Chae decided to help so i don't need to have my hands full of drinks. 

When we are taking drinks of the members, Wonyoung came to my side and start talking to me. I talk to Wonyoung and taking drinks at the same time. After we are done taking the drinks for the members and ourselves, we walked back to where the others are and i continued talking to Wonyoung at the same time. I gave the members their drinks they wanted and went to the side of the sitting members where Wonyoung are standing. I then continued talking to her and i could feel shivers down my spine. I don't even know why i got the shivers...but i just shrugged the feeling off. Soon, Minju-unnie's table-mate + Chae's close friend came to us and we 3 start talking to one another, knowing each other better than before. Well, actually, i'm good friends with Yujin, who is Minju-unnie's table-mate + Chae's close friend, but we are not that close to each other like Chae and Yujin who are close with one another. Now, i feel that Yujin and i are becoming close friends.

Soon Wonyoung left Yujin and i behind, going to her other friends and talk to them. Yujin and i just laughed as she ran to one of her friends. We then start talking to one another and sharing basic information with one another such as birthdays and exchanging phone number and etc. 

Chae tapped my shoulder, i turned to face her and she tip-toed to reach my ears. "You are making someone jealous~" She whispered and smirked to me, while me not knowing why is she smirking for. I don't know who is jealous but i know i'm beautiful handsome until someone would get jealous. I'm so proud of my appearance today. I'm thankful that our manager let me dress up as a boy today. 

As i continued talking to Yujin, i saw Mina-unnie stood up from her seat, start walking towards the drink station with her cup one hand and i told Yujin that i will be going to the drink station. Yujin nodded with a smile and went back to where her other members are and start talking happily with them. I am following behind Mina-unnie, making sure no one try to do anything to her. I looked at Mina-unnie from afar and she's really beautiful today...

I then looked at what drink she's taking. Wine? She's taking wine? Won't she get drunk again? Won't she faint again like the last time when she fainted while drinking a sip of wine at home? 

I looked carefully at Mina-unnie who is taking a sip of wine but nothing happened. She didn't faint or show any symptoms of being drunk. Does that mean that the drink she drank at home is not wine? Then what drink could it be that would make Mina-unnie faint after drinking just a sip? Should i ask Chae since Mina-unnie mentioned that Chae was the one who gave her the drink? I will just ask Chae when we get back home. 

I cleared my mind and followed behind Mina-unnie who is drinking while walking back to where the other members are. Once we were back, the members looked at Mina-unnie with a surprised expression and i guess maybe it's their first time seeing Mina-unnie drinking wine...?

The rest saw me behind Mina-unnie and was about to ask me why Mina-unnie is drinking wine but i just shrugged my shoulders indicating to them that i don't know the reason. They all just looked back at Mina-unnie and this time, their expression became worried. Afterwards, everyone would take a quick glance at Mina-unnie while talking to one another.

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