No One's POV
The day for the plan to take place has finally came. Mina texted Chaewon that Chaeyoung will hang out with Yujin at IZ*ONE's house. The members who Mina and Chaewon asked for their help agreed to help the 2 of them. When Mina asking the members for help, two particular members' reaction leave an impact on her and that member is none other than Dahyun and her girlfriend, Momo. Mina was almost jumped in surprise when she explained to the 2 of them why she needs their help and their reactions were shocked and couldn't believe what Mina said.
Both of them couldn't believe that Mina has a crush on Tzuyu since the 2 of them always think that Mina wouldn't have any she's crushing on but turns they're wrong about their thoughts.
The J-Line members from both IZ*ONE and TWICE have also agreed to help but the only member Mina didn't ask for help is of course, Sana since Mina knew Sana has a crush on Tzuyu too and will probably interfere with the plan if she ask for help. Chaewon also asked Wonyoung for help since she knew that Yujin and Wonyoung are very close friends with one another and Wonyoung agreed to help. There's still one member Mina hasn't ask for help yet and that member is none other than Tzuyu, her crush. Instead of asking Tzuyu alone, she asked Dahyun to come with her and Dahyun just agreed.
Dahyun knocked her room and Tzuyu, who is inside her room, told them to come in. The 2 of them went in and Tzuyu is sitting on her bed, looking at the 2 of them standing by the door.
"What's wrong?" Tzuyu asked, looking back and forth at Dahyun and Mina. Mina stands behind Dahyun and couldn't find the courage to ask her so Dahyun helped her to say what Mina probably wants to say.
"Chewy ah, you see. This penguin behind me wants to ask you for help with her plan and she also wants to ---" Dahyun got cut off by Mina stepping in front of Dahyun and Dahyun became speechless with her mouth opened at the sudden movement from Mina but listened to their conversation.
"What's the plan? How can i help?" Tzuyu listened to every single word that Dahyun just said and asked Mina who stood in front of Dahyun. Mina explained everything except for asking Tzuyu out on a date.
"Okay, i can help but i only help when the plan shifts to plan B, right?" Tzuyu said and Mina nodded her head.
Then Dahyun finally spoke up, standing next to Mina, "And also Chewy ah, can you accompany Mina-unnie to the shopping mall nearby? We all are busy today and you happened to be free today so why not spend your time with her other than spending your time in the house, right?"
Tzuyu nodded, totally convinced at Dahyun's words. Dahyun and Mina left the room so that Tzuyu can change into her causal clothes. Mina whispered, "Good job." to Dahyun and Dahyun just smiled, feeling proud of herself. Mina went to sit on the sofa in the living room, waiting for Tzuyu. After waiting for a few minutes, Tzuyu walked into the living room with her casual clothes.
"Where's Dahyunie?" -Tzuyu
"She already went on a date with Momo." -Mina
"Oh, okay. Shall we go now?" -Tzuyu said and Mina nodded. The 2 of them then went to the shopping mall.
"Mina-unnie, what am i supposed to do if the plan shifts to plan B?" Tzuyu asked while they roam around the shopping mall, looking around.
"You can call Yujin's phone number and distract her. You can do whatever you want as long as Yujin gets distracted." Mina said while looking around in awe and Tzuyu just nodded to her words.
While roaming around the shopping mall, the 2 of them saw Minju and Chaewon and the other 2 also saw Mina and Tzuyu. They both waved to each other and walked towards one another. They start talking while walking to a nearby restaurant.

FanficThis is my first fanfic story on Twice and IZ*ONE so hope you will enjoy reading. Enjoy~!