I Miss Him

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I glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed heavily as it showed that it was half-past 11. It's close to midnight and I'm not even done with my work. I can't even think straight so I'm not going to bother completing it. I packed my things and stuffed my laptop in my bag as I made my way to the car park.

Everyone left already but I'm still here trying to get my work done. I checked my phone as I entered my car and saw the few messages he sent. The last message he sent was at 11 pm and I know he fell asleep. I tossed my phone into my bag and started the engines. I yawned as I drove out of hell and made my way home.

The road was almost empty and the ride was so peaceful I almost fell asleep. I quickly went home and parked the car in our apartments car park. I made sure I locked the car before searching for the keys to our home. I fished them out of my bag and unlocked the door softly. The living room lights were still on, as always before I came home.

I kept my shoes in the cabinet and placed my bag on the kitchen counter. I yawned once again and untied my hair as I walked towards our room. I could hear the muffled sound of a video being played so I peeked and checked if he was asleep. I was surprised when I saw his eyes fixed on the small screen of his phone.

He noticed me and paused the video. "About time." He said as he stretched. I laughed sheepishly and apologized, "I had so much to do. Give me a minute, I wanna change into something comfier." I head towards the closet and grabbed some shorts and his hoodie. I took my current clothes off and threw them in the basket full of dirty laundry before I put on the new ones.

I put the hood on and joined him in bed. "I missed you." He mumbled as he gave me a kiss on my forehead while I moved closer to him. I smiled and pecked him on the lips. "I missed you more." He sighed as he was sleepy and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Let's sleep." He mumbled as I looked up at him, his eyes already shut. I frowned as I wasn't that sleepy yet.

I still wanted to talk to him so I spoke softly. "I'm not sleepy yet." I thought he would stay awake till I was sleepy enough to sleep but he said, "Just close your eyes and sleep." My heart broke as he fell asleep right after. I teared up a little but swallowed them and attempted to sleep. I shut my eyes but I was no longer sleepy at all.

I tried waking him up but he stayed silent. He was already in a deep sleep. I sighed, feeling lonely although he was right here with me. I rolled over and faced my back towards him as I stared at the empty white wall. I attempted once more to sleep but it was useless. I laid on my back and looked up, admiring the ceiling.

I began to think of tomorrow, hoping that this loneliness would fade. Then, darkness took over as I fell asleep, feeling lonelier than ever.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and opened my eyes. I looked over and saw him in sweatpants with damp hair. "Good morning," He greeted me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I just hummed, acknowledging his greetings. I rubbed my eyes as I got out of bed. "Take a long shower. I'll make breakfast for you." He suggested and left the room.

I frowned, still upset about last night. I did as I was told and got ready for the day. I yawned as I glanced at the calendar on our desk. Saturday. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7 in the morning. I left the room and immediately smelled eggs and bacon. "Why are we up so early?" I asked as I approached him, standing by the stove.

I gave him a back hug as he cooked. I sighed as last night replayed in my head. "I wanted to start the day early so we can take a nap together in the afternoon." He said while turning around to hug me. I was taken aback by his plans and unknowingly smiled. I tiptoed and gave him a kiss before taking over.

"No no no. You, sit. I make breakfast." He pushed me aside and grabbed the end of the pan. I went to the kitchen island and sat on the tall chair. I rested my chin on my elbows and watched him cook. I smiled wider as I wasn't expecting this. He's so sweet. He turned around and placed the slices of bacon on the plate, beside the sunny side up eggs.

He took a seat on the opposite side and passed me the utensils. I just stared at him in appreciation. "What?" He asked as he noticed me staring. "Thank you for making breakfast," I said and smiled softly. He smiled in return and replied, "Anything for my wife." I melted and blushed, glancing at the diamond ring on my finger.

"Can we eat? I'm starving." He asked and pouted. I laughed and said, "Of course." We began eating and started our day with sweetness.


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