First Time Meeting

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I looked back at the door one last time before I placed my luggage down to ensure that it was locked. I grabbed my luggage and took my phone out. 'Doors are locked. The youngest is looking after my parents. I'm heading to the airport.' I sent the text as I entered the elevator. There was a taxi already waiting for me downstairs so I rushed towards it, not wanting the driver to wait too long.

I placed my luggage in the trunk and took the passenger seat as the driver seemed like a nice lady. I gave her a smile and plugged in some earphones to play some music. 'Take care and have a nice flight. I'll be waiting for you.' He replied. I can't wait to meet him. I've been planning ever since we started to video call on the basis.

I was really curious to see how he looked like physically and not through my laptop or my phone. It's time that I finally made the decision to meet up with him. After a 20 minute ride to the airport, I alighted the taxi and quickly made my way in. I proceeded to get my boarding pass, check in my luggage and entered the departure transit hall.

I scanned the area before landing my eyes at a cafe. I felt a buzz in my right back pocket so I took it out and saw that I was receiving a video call from him. I answered as I already had my earphones in. "Hello, love." I smiled when I heard his voice and saw his familiar face. "Hello~" I waved to him. "Are you heading to the gate?" He asked as I had my eyes fixed at the counter of the cafe.

"Yea, I'm just grabbing some iced coffee. Give me a minute." I told him before I rushed to get to the counter while it was still empty. "Hi, can I get a Hazelnut Frappuccino?" I gave my name after my order and stood aside to wait. "Once I get my coffee, I'll go to the gate," I informed him. He was calling me through his laptop.

Currently, he is still studying and trying to complete his project so he decided to call me on his laptop before continuing while I'm on my flight later. After talking for a bit, my gate was finally open and I bid him goodbye before I boarded the flight. It took about 2 hours to arrive at the airport in his country.

I was worried throughout the whole flight about meeting him for the first time. I worried about my looks and if I looked presentable to him. I stood up and grabbed my hand carry before leaving the plane. I adjusted my outfit and ensured that my hair was in a neat ponytail. I grabbed my luggage, took a deep breath and walked towards the exit.

I played with the ring on my finger that he gifted to me for my birthday a few years ago and searched for him through the crowd. I watched as people passed by me. I walked towards a bench and took my phone out after he failed to turn up. I was about to connect to the wifi and text him but was interrupted by a bouquet of pink roses shoved in my face.

I looked up and saw him right in front of me, holding the flowers. I was shocked and didn't know what to do. My eyes were fixed on the roses and back to him. "Sorry, I got lost." He apologized and blushed. I was speechless. I hesitated to grab the roses, feeling his fingers that were wrapped around it.

I took it out of his hand and grabbed his. I gazed into his eyes and touched his cheek. I smiled, tears of joy gathered in my eyes as I have been longing for this. I wrapped my arms around his nape and hugged him tightly. Finally, after so many years, I get to hug him. He was taken aback by my sudden actions but he returned the hug.

"I missed you so much.." I say as I hug him longer. "Me too." He responded and placed his hand on the back of my head, holding me close. I released from the hug and blushed as he looked at me. "You hungry? I know a good place." He suggested as he pulled my luggage for me. "Lead the way," I said as I took my jacket, tying it around my waist.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me along, heading towards the carpark. I'm happy, finally together with him.


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