Grocery Shopping

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I watched him open the fridge as it barely had any food in it. He closed it and opened it again, sighing as there was still not food. Did he think it would magically appear? As if reading my mind, he said "Worth a shot." I just laughed and sat on the counter in the kitchen. "I'm really hungry." I pouted as my stomach growled.

"Okay, let's go out for grocery shopping. Sounds good?" He asked as he stood up from the couch and stood in front of me. I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips. I was about to hop off to wash up but he placed his hands beside me, blocking me. "Hey, I didn't get a response!" he exclaimed as he got closer and hugged me tight on my waist.

I blushed as he stared directly at me, right into my brown orbs. "Yes, it sounds good," I replied and leaned in to kiss him. He returned the kiss and playfully bit my lower lip, causing me to laugh, before we broke apart. I let out a cry as he suddenly picked me up and locked my legs on his waist, afraid of falling.

"Let me down!" I wriggled, trying to get off. "Stop moving or you're going to start something." He warned as he slowly let me down. I blushed, knowing what he meant and giggled as I leaned very close to him. "Do you wanna die??" He asked, pushing me off, a little bump could be seen in his crotch area so I laughed loudly.

"I'm taking a shower first and no, you are not joining me. Who knows how long that will take," I mentioned as I saw the look on his face, thinking he could join in. He pouted as I began walking to our room and leaving him. "Be quick!" He said in the distance as I entered the bathroom to take a shower.

After a warm shower, he went in as I decided to wear some black ripped jeans, a white top and a denim jacket. I matched them with some white sneakers and simple jewellery. I walked towards the mirror and combed my hair out evenly as he got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Looking good. You should just go out in that, saves time." I mocked him and sprayed some perfume while he glared playfully at me through the reflection. I took a bag, shoving my phone and purse inside as I went to sit in the living room to wait.  Soon, he came out wearing a white sweatshirt and denim jeans with his hair styled ravishingly.

"Took you long enough." I joked as I stood up and slung my bag around me, making my way towards the door. I grabbed the car keys that sat on a table by the front door and wore my shoes as he wore his. Once we were done, we headed towards the carpark where our silver BMW M4 with beautiful black rims was parked. "I drive this time okay?" I pleaded but he crossed his arms.

"It's not that I don't trust you, honey. I just want it to be my fault if something bad happens." He said before grabbing the keys from me, giving me a kiss on the forehead. I pouted and walked to the passenger seat, sulking. "Honey, stop pouting." He warned as we entered the car but I just continued pouting as he started the engine.

I mumbled under my breath, complimenting my own driving skills as I wore the seatbelt. I took my phone out, turning on Bluetooth so I can sync with the car's radio and play some songs while he was trying to get my attention. "Honey." He called but I played Cardi B's Bodak Yellow and rapped along, trying to annoy him as he drove. 

He hates if I curse and he doesn't like Cardi B so I just followed the song regardless. After seeing the annoyed look on his face, I decided to change the song to one that we always sing to, back when we first met, Best Part by Daniel Caesar Ft. Her. We sang along as we arrived at the supermarket and parked our car. 

"I'll start shopping. Could you get a drink from Starbucks please?" I asked and he agreed as he too was thirsty. "Don't roam too far, love you." He reminded as he gave me a kiss. "Love you too, honey," I said before separating, heading towards the supermarket. I grabbed a cart and began in the first section, fruits & vegetables. 

I picked out our favourites, ensuring that it is riped and fresh, making sure to look out for deals as I didn't want to be wasting money. I moved on to the next section, grabbing peanut butter and Nutella as well as a loaf of bread. Then, I headed towards the pasta and sauces aisle. 

Since I can cook pasta, I bought different kinds and also different sauces to mix and match. As I was searching for a certain type, I felt a hand on my waist so I immediately turned, thinking it was someone else. "You scared the shit out of me," I whispered loudly and hit him in the shoulder. 

"Hey, I got your drink." He kissed my cheek and smiled as held it out to my mouth. I took a sip and swallowed the refreshing frappuccino, enjoying the taste of the coffee. "Do you remember what kind tastes better?" I asked him about the pasta before drinking more. He searched through the brands as I tried to remember the design of the packaging. 

"Pretty sure its this." He said and placed 2 packs of pasta in the cart. I checked what it was and back at him, unsure of his decision. "Just move on," He grabbed my hand and pushed the cart. "Cereal and milk," I remembered as we used to have it in the morning when we were too lazy to cook. 

I felt his warm hand intertwine with mine and I smiled. The cute little things he does makes my insides melt. I gasped as I noticed some sushi ahead. I let go of his hand and walked towards the wide selection of choices, ready to choose a few as my breakfast.

He wasn't a big a fan of seafood so he scrunched his nose when he saw me picking up a raw salmon roll. "How about you get some KFC for lunch? Sounds good?" I asked him as I placed the sushi in the cart. He nodded happily and kissed my forehead.

I grabbed his hand, pushing the cart with him and continued down more aisles, making sure I get everything. After we finished, we loaded everything in the car and head towards a KFC drive-thru before returning home.

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