Chapter 6

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After a few hours Jimin's body began to ferment the room with the heavy stench of death. There was nothing they could have done, he died as soon as his head hit the table. There was no chance to even begin saving him, but they had still tried anyway. They tried for so many hours, to no avail.

They all felt so helpless.

Namjoon had cleaned up as much as he could, but many spots were missed when everything became a blurred images through his tears. He was unable to get the image of Jimin's glassy eyes staring blankly up at him.

Jin had gently moved Jimin's limb body onto the bed. A small bit of him hoped he would just wake up and that all this was just a horrifying dream. He too wished they had never found him, maybe then none of them would be dead. Hoseok was right, it was all his fault. Jin's guilt weighed down on his shoulders, crushing the last bit of hope he had left into dust.

Jungkook on the other hand hadn't left the corner he had sat in when they first arrived. He stared blankly up at the ceiling, all his will power drained from his body. He felt hopeless. He felt weak. 'Will everyone leave me?' 'Am I going to be left alone with no way of ever seeing them again?' 'Is there even a point to continue when we are all going to die anyway?'

Jungkook's head swam with these thoughts for hours on end. No one had the emotional strength to help one another, each were left to their own demons.And Jungkook's demons would not stop screaming at him.

Jungkook shot up to his feet but before he could exit the room Jin's broken voice called out to him, "where are you going?" The screams only increased in intensity then causing Jungkook to clench his teeth in pain and despair, "I need to go to get some fresh air, I feel like I'm suffocating in here!"

Jin looked on in worry, "I'll go with y-" "No!" Jungkook's yell cut him off before he could finish his words. There was no time for Jin to react to Jungkook as he exited the room with such urgency that only his fast, heavy footfalls were left in his place as he ran out.

Jungkook has no plan of action, all he wanted was for everything to go back to normal. He just wanted to be together with his friends again. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare.

His feet had brought him to the rooftop's edge. He stared down at the passing cars while the cool breeze pushed at his body as though someone was trying to push him away from the edge.

'Is everyone I love going to die?'

Tears began to spill out of Jungkook's eyes as though a flood gate had been opened. "I can't take it anymore!" Jungkook cries were muffled as the wind picked up in its intensity as it shoved him backwards.

"They're waiting for me..." Jungkook voice trailed off as he watched the sun's light begin to fade as the darkness of the night began to consume it. A weak smile spread across his face as his screaming thoughts had finally come to a stand still. Only one thought was left in their place 'I'll see you all soon.'

Jungkook leant forward despite the winds effects to shove him back. The wind howled in protest as Jungkook spread his arm out next to him.

Letting his feet slip off the roof's edge he heard raw yelling over the winds howling.

"Jungkook! No!"

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