Chapter 11

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"Courtney you can't fight him alone!"

Jungkook's pleading didn't go unnoticed by Courtney in the slightest.

"Sweetie I'm the only one with a weapon here. All of you need to get upstairs now!"

The dominance of her stare made the boys flitch. Namjoon took to action first and shoved everyone upstairs along with Jin.

Courtney turned to the door as he continued to try bash it down. 'Okay, think logically now. There is no time for mistakes. You have people to protect.'

Courtney hid behind the door, grabbed onto the handle, unlocking it, and pulled the door open. Dead silence insued. Courtney's hands began to sweat from the tension that swallowed the room whole.

As soon as Courtney taught a glimpse of movement, she rammed all her weight onto the door slamming it straight into Jack. The force of the door shoved jack back making him fall to the floor.

Courtney wasted no time sprinting at Jack's struggling form. She plunged her knife straight down, aiming in between his fear fulled eyes, only to hit the floor as jack rolled out of shot.

Courtney took no time ripping his knife from the floor and retaking aim towards the monster but before Courtney could plunge her knife into his flesh, a shot rang out and Courtney's right shoulder jerked backwards.

Courtney screamed in pain as her hand clenched the seeping wound. Jack stood over her, gun point directly at her head.

"You little shit. You just had to go a ruin everything didn't you! I should have killed you long-"

Jack's words were knocked out of him as someone tackled him to the floor causing his gun to fly out of his hands.

Jungkook straddled jack as his hands clenched around his throat. Pure hatred was radiating off of Jungkook as his hands only began to tighten more and more slowly dragging away the life from Jack's eyes.

"Jungkook stop!" Courtney shoved Jungkook off of jack. The release from jungkook's viper grip had jack coughing and heaving for any bit of oxygen his lungs could find.

"Courtney what the hell! I nearly killed him!"

"Exactly!" Courtney's aggressive tone woke Jungkook from his blinded rage, "you are not a killer Jungkook, and I will never like you become one!"


"Get back upstairs. Now!"

Jungkook didn't get a chance to protest as Courtney swiped up Jack's gun and pointed it towards the owner himself as he massaged his throat.

"Jungkook, please go back upstairs." Courtney never took her eyes off of the struggling coward in front of her but her somber tone was enough for Jungkook, "I don't want you to see this"

Jungkook nodded even though he knew she won't see it. He made his way towards the stairs only to be stopped by Jack.

"You were close kid, I'll give you that much." Jack's horse voice struct a nerve in everyone, " so close to being a murderer but, already a monster I see."

"Don't you fucking dare speak to him again!"

Courtney's words were only met with an amused chuckle.

"Do you honestly think I give a shit about what crap spills from your mouth! You are nothing, a worthless piece of shit tha-"

Jack's words were cut short by Jungkook's fist to his face, knocking him unconscious.

"Jungkook! Seriously!"

Jungkook never answer to Courtney's outcry but she could see in his eyes that he had had enough of Jack's bullshit. Courtney just let out a heavy sigh and dropped the gun at her side.

"Thank you Jungk-"

The sound of a blaring siren cut through the air making both of them jumped in fright.

"Oh shit, someone must have heard the gun shot and called the police!"

Jungkook was in full panic now. His worry for Courtney and Taehyung being taken away only increased with every breath he took.

"Jungkook," Courtney's gentle touch on his arm brought his worries down a bit, " it's okay. It's time."

Jungkook was as confused as one could be before it all clicked into place and his anxiety was shot to 100.

"No! Courtney listen we can escape and find a new place to live and hide there until the police forget again and-"

Courtney cupped Jungkook cheek to stop his rabbling as the others began to come downstairs.

"I don't want to be a murderer anymore, I want to live a normal life and if that starts with jail then I'll sentence for my crimes. Just let me pay for what I've done. I'm done with hiding. I'm done with killing."

All the boys were in shock. Happy of course to hear her change of heart but miserable for her to leave them.

To everyone's surprise Taehyung stepped forward.

"I also want to live normally and stop living in hiding."

Courtney looked at Taehyung with eyes full of sympathy and outstretched her hand towards him.



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