Chapter 10

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"Okay, I need answers," Courtney glared at Jin as he fidgeted, "what's with all the sudden change in emotions? We are out now, chillax my guy."

Jin's head was swarming with different ideas and thoughts that he never even processed the words that fell from Courtney's lips. That was until fist slammed into his shoulder.

"Ow, what the hell?" To say Jin was startled was an understatement.

"You're spacing out, can we just leave now and feel like they know we-"

"No, I-" Jin's words trailed off after he cutoff Courtney's, she only sat there frowning at him.

"Get out." Jin's head snapped back to Courtney in confusion.


"Get the fuck out the driver's seat, I'm driving" before Jin could protest further Courtney climbed over the Jin's seat and shoved Jin into the passenger seat with her feet.

"Courtney wait- ow, shit, seriously we can't-" Jin's words were shut down as Courtney sped out the garage.

"Jin we can't stay there or we'll be killed, okay?" Courtney's ironic words stung a bit for Jin, " let's just get back to the boys and reunite this family!" Courtney grinned at the road ahead as she thought of seeing her boys again.

"We can't go back to them, we, we need to-" Jin mouth was working faster then his mind as no ideas had formed on how he could save everyone.

"Jin, seriously now, what is bothering you? I want the truth." Courtney grip on the steering wheel tightened in frustration.

"I- I don't know how to say this, Courtney, I'm sorry I'm not making much sense but my mind is such a mess," Courtney's grip loosened at Jin's desperate tone, " I don't know what to do, I'm so lost and scared, what if I can't save anyone? What if I fail?"

Courtney's hand landed on Jin's shoulder showing him that she was here for him, "Jin it's okay, I understand you feel like shit after being in that hell hole for so long but if you want to save the boys, going back to them is the best way to save them."

Jin couldn't hold it in anymore, the tears spilled from his eyes as he chocked on his sobs. All those deaths, all this pressure finally broke him. Courtney continued driving with one hand while the others was rubbing calming circles on Jin's back.

They stood by the door now.

The door that would lead them to their family and rebuild their happiness.

"You okay to do this?" Courtney's voice was full of concern as she questioned Jin.

"Yes, I'm much better now, thank you." Jin sent a soft smile her way before knocking on the door.

The door was ripped open to reveal 6 shocked faces who stared at the two in disbelief, non of them moved a muscle.

" 'sup fuckers, I'm home" Courtney's voice broke the silence as she moved in front of Jin to look at their faces.

Jin was shocked by her words, not because of how ridiculous it was but because those weren't the words she said when they first arrived here before- before the blood shed.

Were things really changing?

Does that mean he could save everyone?

"We are back and better then ever? How you been doing?" Courtney's attempt at uplifting the situation caused a huge ruckus as the boys bombarded her and Jin with a million questions.

They were stuck in there own conversations.

So happy and full again.

But Jin knew better.

He heard it this time.

He turned to see the car as he stepped out ready to kill.

"Everyone upstairs! Now!" Jin's screams startled everyone as he slammed the door shut, locking it before shoving everyone upstairs.

"Wow, wow, Jin, what's happening?" Courtney's voice of reason tried to console Jin's frantic state.

" He's here."

Those were all the words Courtney needed to hear as she ripped her knife from the wall and proceeded to command everyone upstairs.

This was to be a battle of the fittest.

But Courtney had brought a knife to gun fight, like a bitch.

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