Chapter 7

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Namjoon sat in the bathroom, not wanting to be anywhere near Jimin's haunting corpse ,trying so hard to figure out what they could do next. He tried so hard to get his thoughts to concentrate on finding ways for them to live peaceful full lives but every time he closed his eyes all he could see were the lifeless eyes of his dead friends staring back at him.

He had shed so many tears in just one day. No amount of thinking could help him come up with any scenario that would end in them living life happily but he still tried because he wanted the last of them live. He knew that those who were no longer with them would have wanted the same.

Namjoon's thoughts were cut off by the argument happening just outside the door. "No!" Was the last word he heard before loud, fast footfalls followed. Namjoon run out the bathroom in worry at what had happened while he was gone.

"What just happened? Where did Jungkook go?" Namjoon's questions held an urgency to them as he asked Jin.
"He said he needed air and just ran out! I don't know what's gotten into him!" Jin's shocked outburst made Namjoon's face fall in worry.

Jin looked so tired. So drained of any bit of energy he had left.

"I'll go talk to him. Please get some rest Jin, book another room, just please look after yourself." Namjoon's worrying toned brought Jin to nod in defeat, knowing full well that he hasn't sleep in who knows how long.

Making his way down the corridor of motel rooms he spotted the door to the rooftop was wide open as a heavy wind blew down the dark staircase.

Namjoon made his way carefully up the stairs as he felt the wind had picked up speed.

Once he reached the rooftop he noticed a figure standing near the edge with its arms spread out like an eagle ready to take flight. It was only after squinting over the last flickers of the suns rays did Namjoon's entire body tense up.


"Jungkook! No!" His raw screams cut through the wind's blast as he ran at full speed over to Jungkook's falling form.

Namjoon tightly clasped a handful of jungkook's jacket between his fingers, but it was too late.

Jungkook had already slipped off the edge and gravity was only pulling him closer to his fate.

Namjoon's knuckles turned white from his tighten grip. He tried his hardest to save Jungkook only to doom them both.

Namjoon's body was yanked forward over the edge, following Jungkook from behind.

The wind had cut short as though it was watching the scene play out in shock.

Namjoon knew there was no way of surviving the fall. He knew that they were both going to join their friends in whatever afterlife awaited them. He only regretted that he'd leave Jin and Hoseok alone to fend for themselves. He only wished he could have said goodbye and he wished that Jungkook didn't have to die this way.

With all his thoughts in order, Namjoon did what he knew was what they both needed from the start. He pulled Jungkook close to him, embracing his body into a tight hug and whispered sincerely in his ear, "I'm sorry, Jungkook."

Their bodies hit the pavement below with a sinking thud that echoed throughout the streets causing many to halt in their steps and stare in disbelief as to what had occurred.

The shock came first as many just stared. It was only when a single figure had approached the fallen angles had everyone realized what happened. The figure fell to their kneels as tears streamed down their cheeks.

'This is really the fate that they will befall.'

'Why can't we live in peace?'

'Why must we all die?'

"I wish I could do back in time to stop any of this from happening."

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