Chapter 9

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Courtney stared at him with eyes full of disbelief. "Listen," she started letting out a heavy sigh, "as much as I'd love to murder that son of a bitch, we don't have any weapons." She flapped her arms about to empathize her point.

"I know. I know," Jin frantically shook his head in hopes an idea would form some how, "But we can't go back until he's dead."

Jin dead serious look caused Courtney's eyebrows to knit together in confusion.

"How do you know jack by the by?"

"I-I it doesn't matter, what matters right now is killing him." Courtney skeptical looked caused Jin's tone to flatten.

"I promise I'll tell you after he's dead, okay?"

After letting out the heaviest sigh in existence Courtney agreed to Jin's claims.

"Fine, whatever, but I'm holding you to that promise," Courtney extended out her pinky towards Jin, once his pinky wrapped around hers he was yanked towards Courtney by his pinky, "if you break your promise, just remember that means I get to cut off your pinky."

Jin was shocked at first but then nervously laughed it off.

"Let's go."

Before any of them could reach for the door handle, the door slammed open to reveal a very  pissed off Jack. Once his eyes landed on Courtney and Jin's shocked forms his face morphed into a grin of pure pleasure.

"Thank fuck you didn't get too far," As he spoke he pulled his gun up in line with Jin's head, " did you really think you could just leave so easily!" His voice escalated in volume as he continued.

Every possible scenario swam through Courtney's thoughts as she searched for any possible way of them escaping with their lives, but all that was done in vain as she knew what she needed to do from the start.

Courtney heard the gun shot, but acted faster then her fears as she rammed Jin out of the bullets way.

As Jin fell he heard a bang then turned just in time to see Courtney's body slump to the ground. The gaping hole through her right eye caused him to nearly throw up, but Jack's hyena-like laugh snapped him from his thoughts.

"What- what a fucking idiot!" Jack's laughter caused his words to be broken between each breathe, " did she really think that that little stunt would save anyone! I have more bullets! That fucking- ha!"

Jin's eyes were trained back on Courtney's corpse, it was the second time seeing her dead, he could never get used to seeing it.

That was when a thought struck him like lighting, ' am I not supposed to restart when I fail to save one of them?' That was when he saw it, Courtney was still breathing. She was dying. Slowly. Painfully.

The click of the gun caught his attention as his head snapped back to Jack.

"I see you noticed as well. That bitch just won't die will she!"

Jack kneeled over Courtney's body and with a sickening grin, he rammed his gun into the gaping hole where her right eye once was. Courtney's cries of pure agony filled the room as her hands gripped like talons onto Jack's arm in hopes of pulling it away.

Jin scrabbled to his feet, but it was too late. The shot rang in his ears and he watched as Courtney's arms fell slack at her sides.

The pain Jin was feeing was indescribable. Jin lunged for Jack, screaming his lungs out, but before Jin could even graze Jack, the world shattered around him.

Jin shot forward hitting his head on the steering wheel.

"ah shit, you good boo?"

Jin's eyes snapped to stare into Courtney's.

He was back.

He needs to get this right this time.

He can't go through that again.

With that, he pulled Courtney into a bear hug despite her huge fuss about it.

She gave in eventually.

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