Chapter 13

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Jin was sped towards the house after getting Courtney up to date on the freakiness of it all. She sat in the passenger seat trying to process everything she'd been told.

"So I've died, what? 3 times now? Bro what the fuck?"

"Listen I have no easy way of explaining this situation, just take it as it is." Jin huffed out and he glared at the road before him.

"Oh honey I'm taking it as it is I'm just lost on the fact that that fucker got the jump on me so easily that many times!" She bit back with arms crossed tightly over her chest. "Do you even have a plan?"

"Yes," Jin stated through clenched teeth, "we are getting everyone and getting the fuck out of here."

"Well I guess that could work." Courtney shrugged her statement, "I mean what have we got to lose when you have unlimited respawns."

"I don't want anymore tries," Jin's hand gripped the wheel as his knuckles turned white,  "I can't handle seeing...seeing that again."

Courtney stared ahead as she didn't know what to say, but luckily for her she didn't need to speak because they had arrived home.

Jin sprinted in without warning as Courtney lagged behind.

All the boys stood in the kitchen just staring at Jin who'd just bust through the door, frantic as ever. None of them had even a second to squeak out a single phrase before Jin had started shoving them out the door towards the car.


"What is..?"

"How is this..?"

"Bro you are scaring them."

Words were thrown about as Jin ignored each one of them as his mind was dead set on getting them all out and as far away from this place as possible.

"Get in the car and I'll explain everything."

None of them moved, just stared and blinked at the obscurity of the whole situation before them.


Jin has lost his patience and his mind was now in panic mode as the ever looming danger weighed heavily on his shoulders.

All the boys looked shocked beyond words by Jin's sudden outburst.

"Guys just do as he says or I'll personally shove you each in myself."

Courtney's words of wisdom got them snapped out of the trance they were in as they all crammed into the car shutting the doors behind them.

Jin had driven far away from home by the time he had finished explaining the situation to the boys, leaving out the gruesome details of how each of them died knowing full well he'd rather not pass that trauma on to them.

"So what now? Where are we even going?" Yoongi questioned knowing full well that a plan had not been thought up but rather irrational fears were driving the course.

"I don't know okay, all I know is that the further we are from this place the better we are."

Jin really didn't have a plan for after that but he couldn't handle it anymore, they have died too many times.

"What if we called the police?" Jungkook naïvety inquired.

"Dumbass they are the police, were you not listening to that part of Jin's explanation?" Courtney questioned as she thumped him backside the head.

"Oh right..." his words travailed off as he rubbed the back of his head trying to ease the sting of her hit.

"Jin we have no where else to go, we can't just leave our home." Hoseok's words traveled through the noise of Courtney and Jungkook's flow of ideas back and forth each one getting more and more impossible as they continued on.

"Find then, the choice is yours, home or your life?" Jin's pissed off tone shot through the noise completely shutting up the two visionaries from further findings.

"Jin that's uncalled for," Courtney's parental tone surfaced with each word, "we get it you have been through a lot but give us a break it is a fuckton of information to take in in such a short period of time."

Jin sighed in defeat, his shoulders relaxed from their tighten positions.

"I'm sorry, I just want it all to stop."

"Hey, don't worry, we'll fix this together," Courtney's hand rested on his shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze to show that he was not alone in his struggles. "If we all use our heads together I'm sure we'll get through this."

Jin smiled at her for the first time in what felt like centuries.

"Thank you, I-"

But Jin never got to finish his words as the whole car was thrown sideways, flipped upside down.

The driver stepped out of the truck that had just rammed into their car at full speed and strolled towards their totaled car.

Blood dripped from the hole in Jin's head where the glass lodged into. His vision was blurred from the obvious concussion he had but he still used all his effort to look back at everyone else.

The boys were bloody and either unconscious or dead, he couldn't tell.

Courtney began to stir as her door was ripped open and she was thrown out.

Everything was white hot pain as Jin tried to move to help her only to have to watch as her head was slammed into the pavement over and over and over again.

There was so much blood, Jin found it hard to even recognize her face anymore as she lay on her back, arms struggled weakly against the machete that was being pressed into her neck.

The crunch of her bones was heard before the thud of her arms beside her.

Courtney's neck had been cut through.

Jin knew it was over. The last thing he saw before the world shattered was Courtney's killer leaning on the machete smiling at him through the open car door. Jack.

Jin's eyes opened to see he was back in the car with Courtney laughing beside him, not knowing the shit that he has been fighting through so many times.

He had failed once again.

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