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"You can't wait that long for the wedding lira." said the voice.

I whipped around and saw Brent. He had put his name on the list.

I glared at him and he just smiled.

"Lira I'm afraid that your going to have to have your wedding by next week." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"No why would I do that Brent?" I questioned.

"Well let's say so we can be together sooner." he said to me. "or else I will kill everyone who is dear to you." as he said that I looked him over. he was a lot stronger looking and rough.

I gulped as he pulled a knife out of his pocket.

"Fine fine I'll move the wedding...." I trailed of.

He nodded and went outside into the darkness.

I ran into my bedroom and cried until I fell asleep.

I didn't want to have my wedding sooner I wanted it have it later.

Overjoyed //Teo Halm book 3Where stories live. Discover now