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I sat at the table with my phone looking at the paper in front of me. I had started to make a list of who Teo and I wanted to invite to the wedding.

So far I had all of our family members and some close friends. suddenly I got a text from a unknown number.

Unknown: you better let me come to the wedding babe.

Me: no stay away from me.

Unknown: don't worry lira you'll thank me later.

Me: brent?

Unknown: see you at the wedding.

I locked my phone at shuddered. How would he know I was making the list. I looked out all the windows once but couldn't find anything suspicious.

I went back to the table and sat down just as Teo walked in the room.

"How's the invitations going?" he asked taking a bite out of the cookie he held in his hand.

"It's going good, I think I'm done with the list actually. So if you want to add anyone to a head." I told Teo smiling before kissing his cheek.

That evening I went to bed as Teo went out with some of his friends. I laid down in the soft creamy covers of the bed.

I was just starting to drift off to sleep when I heard a noise from downstairs.

I sat up in bed and pulled the covers from my cold body.

I crept downstairs and looked into the kitchen. The list was still on the table from earlier today.

I went to the list and looked at it. I noticed a few new names that Teo added but one name caught my eye.

The name was written fast like whoever wrote it was in a hurry. I read the name over and over in my head not believing what I was reading.

The name was Brent.

I felt a shiver of fear as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Overjoyed //Teo Halm book 3Where stories live. Discover now