Wake up Call

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I suddenly sit up straight.

I look at my surroundings. I'm not at home but I'm at the skate park.

I feel someone's hand around my waist and I look to find jc's face..

So it was just a dream?

Whoa wake up call there.

"Hey Lira you okay? I mean you took a pretty hard fall after you tripped." he said a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Uh yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"Okay let's go take you home." he said smiling while helping me to my feet.

"What. why I thought we were going skating?" I asked.

"We were but I think we can settle for a movie at your house." he said softly picking me up and carrying me all the way to my house.

As we opened my door to my house we stepped inside.

"Lira?" My mom asked out-loud.

"Yeah mom." I said.

We walked into our living room and I kicked my parents our cause Jc wanted to watch a movie.

"Let's watch nemo." I said with Jc nodding in agreement.

We put the movie in and sat on the couch. I laid down with jc laying behind me.

He suddenly tried to start making out, which I followed his lead not wanting it to be awkward.

Jc was not a bad kisser but I was by like Teo at all. It seems like we just kissed the whole movie away before we parted and smiled at each other.

"I love you." he said as he suddenly grasped my butt.

I let out a slight gasp as he chuckled. He smirked thinking I like it and of all things, started to explore my clothed body with his hands.

I felt weird. It want it to stop.

I quickly stopped him saying I had to go to the bathroom.

I walked up to the first floor of my house.

I went to the bathroom and shut the door as the tears flooded my vision.

It doesn't feel right. I feel like I'm cheating on Teo. which technically I am. Yeah I know Teo said he would get me back and I wish he would just hurry up and take me away cause this thing with Jc is just


"AKWARD AS FUCK!" i screamed into my hands to muffle my sounds.

I started to get up to go get Jc.

"Jc?" I said.

"Yeah babe?" He asked coming to the sound of my voice.

"M-my parents think that you should go home and that I- I'll see you tomorrow." I lied.

"Alright see you later."

"Okay bye."

I walked up to my bedroom as soon as Jc left. I felt the need to let go and forget my problems.

It was now about 6:00 and I felt like it was time to party.

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