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I'm so pissed right now. The nurse  hasn't returned after an hour. I even took a nap. I don't even know why I am staying with this girl right now. She's looks very fine now but why can't I freaking leave? It's not like she was badly injured.

The nurse just returned. She said that the head had her do some things and she thought that we already left the clinic since she didn't come back. I also just remembered that I can't leave the school without a permission. Looks like I really need to wait till school ends.

All of the classes are done and I'm with Jaemin, Soyeon and Jeno-hyung. "Did you really not see her scratches?" Soyeon asked me for the second time. "Yeah. I didn't" I answered. "But why is she limping though?" Jaemin asked. "She said she slipped on the stairs while going to our teacher." Jeno-hyung was the one who answered. Yeah, because she sent Min Seo home. "Gosh. My poor bestfriend." Soyeon stated. We are on our way to Min Seo's home right now. "Aigoo! Just how come you didn't see her scratches?" Soyeon punched me multiple times then Jaemin stopped her. I seriously didn't see it. "Her scratches are pretty deep as Jeno stated. Eunbin's nails are long y'know." Jaemin said while playing games on his phone. Man, we are walking. How can you play games while walking? "I'm gonna hit that girl right now. Where is she?!" Soyeon turned back and started to walk faster. Jaemin and Jeno pulled her by her collar and dragged her back. "Damn you giants!" She sulked and walked with us.

"Oh you're here!" It was Min Seo's mom who greeted us. "Welcome back!" She greeted happily and had us sit at the living room. "You can go to her room. She can't go down right now. My poor baby." Her mom stated and went back to the kitchen. "Let's go. She's probably resting right now. " Soyeon guided us and went upstairs. I've never been to her room before.

We entered Min Seo's room and Soyeon was right. She is fast asleep while hugging a cute plush. Cute. We all looked for our own spots to sit to. Jaemin and Jeno both sat at the extra chairs near her table while Soyeon sat at the single sofa beside Min Seo's bed.  "Wake her up." Jeno said. "Jisung." Soyeon said and pointed at Min Seo. I went to Min Seo and shaked her a bit but she's still not waking up. I did it continuously but she just shrugged me off and continued sleeping. "Geez, I forgot this girl sleeps like dead. Move away." Soyeon stood up and went outside. She came back with Min Jae. "Min Jae-ah, can you wake your sister up?" Soyeon asked Min Jae. I feel like something terrible is gonna happen. "Okay." Min Jae smirked and went towards Min Seo. "SIS! WAKE UP OR ELSE I'LL THROW ALL YOUR PLUSHIES AWAY!!" He shouted at Min Seo's ear! But it was effective! Min Seo immediately opened her eyes and grabbed Min Jae. "Don't you dare." She glared at her brother. She didn't even noticed us. "Lil bro, why are you so loud?" I looked at the door and saw Minhyuk-hyung. "Yo!" He greeted while scratching his eyes. He probably just woke up too. I greeted back and so as Jaemin and Jeno. I returned my eyes to Min Seo and she was still glaring at Min Jae. "There you go. She is awake." Min Jae stated and removed her sisters hand on his shirt. Min Seo confusedly roamed her eyes around the room and noticed us finally. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked us. "Visiting you of course." Soyeon answered and sat beside her. "The hell? I'm not bedridden in a hospital for you guys to visit me at home." Min Seo said while scratching her head. "You okay now?" Jeno asked. "Yeah. I can even do this now." And she moved her arms wildly. "Yeah. She really is fine." Jaemin stated while laughing at Min Seo's behavior. "Hey Park Jisung! Why aren't you talking?" Min Seo suddenly asked me. I was startled for a moment there. "I just have nothing to say." I just stated and shrugged. But actually I have something to say to her. I am just shy to let others hear it hehe. The door suddenly opened and it showed Min Seo's mom. "You guys can have dinner here. Come on. Soyeon help me prepare." She said and told us to come too. I was about to go out when Jaemin and Jeno pushed me back. "What are you doing?" I asked them and stood up. I fell on the floor. "Hep! Go talk to Min Seo." Soyeon stopped me and these two pushed me back again. I fell again. My butt is hurt right now geez! "Babye~" Jaemin jokingly said and shut the door. I sighed and looked at Min Seo who was just staring at me while smiling. I went to her and sat beside her. "Are you okay now?" I asked her and looked at her bandages. "Yeah. It just stings a little." She answered and checked if the bandages are still attached well. "Well, I want to say sorry because I didn't take care of you." I lowered my head. I am on verge of crying right now. "Tsk. Don't be said. I'm fine." She laughed and raised my head. "And thank you for coming here." She stated and leaned her head on my shoulder. "Are you going to school tomorrow?" I asked her. Stupid, she can't walk properly! Why ask that?! I mentally facepalmed myself. "Yeah. I don't wanna miss classes." She answered.

"Shut up! They might see us." I was busy caressing Min Seo's hair when I heard a faint sound of people talking. I looked at the door and saw that it was moving and open. I slowly laid Min Seo who was fast asleep and slowly approached the door. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door. 3 people are now laying on the floor rolling their asses off.

"Were you guys eavesdropping?!" I asked them. "No were not! Auntie said to come down and eat!" They all shouted in unison and ran back downstairs. Geez. I went back to Min Seo and fixed her blanket. I then gently kissed her on the forehead and left her room to eat downstairs and deal with those eavesdroppers.

Just Dance // PARK JISUNGWhere stories live. Discover now