An honourable woman was married to a man named Ismaeel who was a pious person and a notable scholar. He had been under the guidance of Imam Malik. The husband and the wife received the reward of this blessed marriage in the shape of a son whom they named Muhamamd. Hardly a few years had passed when sheikh Ismaeel died, leaving behind his wife and the son, and considerable wealth for them.
The mother fully devoted herself to the upbringing of her son. She wished her son to become a notable scholar who would illuminate the dark world with his knowledge, but she became greatly depressed when a major hurdle appeared in the way of the education of the son and fulfilment of her desire. The son lost his eyesight in his childhood. Now, he was unable to attend lectures of scholars because of his disability. He could not also visit other cities to seek knowledge. The mother was worried over the future of the son, thinking as to how he could now become a religious scholar or receive education without his eyesight?
Just one avenue was left for the fulfilment of her desire. There was one way only, and that was through making dua. Allah the Almighty opened to her the doors of prayers and she began to weep before Allah with all her sincerity and truthfulness, seeking from him the restoration of her son's eye sight. She continued to pray for long time. One night she saw a strange dream. She saw Prophet Ibrhaeem saying,"O lady! Allah has restored the eyesight of your son because of your abundant prayers."
When she awoke, she found that her son's eye sight had really been restored. She abruptly uttered,
This great woman was the mother of the leader of the scholars of ahadith, Muhammad bin Ismaeel Bukhari, who the world knows as Imam Bukhari. She work so hard for the education of her son after the restoration of his eyesight that Allah opened the doors of knowledge to him and this child turned out to be a future grand scholar of ahadith. He also authored the most authentic book after the holy Quran, which is known as Sahih Bukhari.
Beautiful Islamic Stories
SpiritualYou will find many inspirational Islamic stories in this book which are very true and which are extracted from the books of Abdul Malik Mujahid So give it a chance, and I'm sure you will love it