You will find many inspirational Islamic stories in this book which are very true and which are extracted from the books of Abdul Malik Mujahid
So give it a chance, and I'm sure you will love it
Initially, I got alarmed. Then I slipped my hand under my dress and began to repeatedly touch my body, but there was no swelling now. I shivered, but my mind quickly told me, " Why are you so surprised? Does Allah the Almighty not have the power to do this?" I told one of my friends, "Please touch my body and check my boils." When my friends saw that all the boils had vanished and my body was totally cured, they spontaneously uttered, "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar" ( Allah is the greaest, Allah is the greatest)
Full of happiness, I came out of the Masjid Al Haram and walked towards the hotel to break the good news to my husband. As I entered the room and stood before my husband I told him, " Look, look at the blessing of Allah! Where are all my boils! Are they there? Aren't they vansihed?" Then I informed him of the development with great happiness, but my husband took my story as fiction. He was taking it as a joke. Suddenly, he broke down. He said, " Don't you know, have you forgotten so soon that doctors had sworn just three weeks ago saying, " This woman has a few days to live"
I replied,
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Afterwards, we stayed in the house of Allah for one week. I continued to thank Allah for his countless bounties and to praise Him.
Afterwards we visited Masjid An-Nabawi and from there we returned once again to France. When the French doctors saw me fully recovered and came to know that the fatal and dangerous disease is no more, they became surprised. They said " Madam! Are you the same person who.....?" I replied with pride, " Yes sir! IAM the same woman whose death you people had declared, and this is my husband who had spent all resources for my treatment. I escaped from your treatment and got admitted to the hospital of Allah, and I have now returned from there fully recovered. Now I fear none but Allah because life and death is under His control alone, it is He who decides life and death. All matters are handled under His supervision. Even a single leaf cannot flutter without His order.
The doctors told me, " Madam! Your case is strange. Surprisingly your swelling has gone but it is important to have you re-examined and conduct tests afresh."
Therefore, the doctors once again diagnosed me and conducted all the tests, but all of them came back clear. With the blessings of Allah I had no ailment. They were all flabbergasted. They were so surprised perhaps beacuse of the reason that medical science has not yet found a cure for cancer. Anyhow, when i was suffering from the disease,swelling of the body had made my breathing labourious, but when I took the journey to the Ka'bah and prayed to Allah to cure me, He accepted my appeals and completely rid me of this agony, and this horrible disease. The cancer vanished as if it never existed.
Afterwards, I made it a routine to study the life and practices of Prophet Muhammad and the biography of his companions, and often wept profusely. My eyes would fill with tears and I would unintentionally start crying while recalling that I could not earlier fulfil my duty of showing repsect and love to Allah and his prophet Muhamamd sallallahu alaihiwasallam, for those days which I spent away from Allah.
I would request Allah to accept my and my husband's repentance,shower his blessings over all Muslims and show mercy to them. Aameen!"
Assalamualaikum people
So this is the end of the story " The Hospital Above The Heavens"
We all should pray to Allah to strengthen our Imaan and bless us all. Aameen🥰
And believe me friends, when I first read this story it brought tears to my eyes
So, Allah Hafiz till I come with another new story, ofcourse which is true
Note: This stories are completely true and are extracted from the books of Abdul Malik Mujahid